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I woke up drenched in sweat and as I look at my alarm I realize...

"I'M LATE" for what you may ask "my first day back on the job and I'm going to be late this is humiliating" I mumble.

I jumped in the shower and get dressed shortly after.

As I'm running down the street I bump into someone. "Watch where you-" I look up at tall muscular stranger with brown eyes "I'm sorry," he says 'I'm just late"

"Same" I respond. We stare at each other for a while till he says "I should go"

"Yeah," I say, and just like that, we walk away from each other. I turn back after a few steps to see if he would look back but I couldn't see him anywhere... It's like he never even existed.


After I got to my desk all I could think about was that tall and strange mystery man. I kept wondering if we would meet again. Then all of a sudden my manager came over and told me to start on my new assignment.

I write books and articles for a living. I'm supposed to be starting a new series but I didn't really have any inspiration until this morning. I start writing about a woman falling in love with a man after seeing him once not knowing he's not the man she thinks he is.

After a while of writing, I stop and look at the time. I scan the room looking for my best friend, Cristina. After I see her I call her over and ask her if she wants to go to lunch. "We should stay," she says 'I hear someone new is coming to work with us'

"What do you mean someone new?" I said confused "I thought Miranda wasn't hiring anyone new" Miranda is our boss she doesn't really like many people. This is weird because she has to connect with new people but that's beside the point.

"I know it's weird but I guess but, we can go to lunch I'm starving and I'm tired of waiting"

And we were off but, my mind couldn't help but wonder about the mystery man this morning and what would become of him.


Author's note:

Hey I'm going to try and keep up with this story it's really exciting to write even though I just started and I hope you guys will like it.

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