Moving In

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I woke up, took a shower, and got my stuff ready to be moved in. Packing was quite easy because I'm a good organizer and my room is clean most of the time but has kind of a messy aesthetic.

I dragged all of my stuff to the car and went back inside and texted Hope to tell her I would bring my stuff over at 1.

Since I have a few hours to spare I grabbed my keys and walked to the nearest coffee shop. When I came back I made sure I took everything to the car. I left a note and the keys to the apartment on the counter for the lady I was renting the apartment from and decided to walk to the park and write for a bit.

I went to my car and grabbed my blanket and some other things I needed to write and set off for the park.

As people walk by I sat focused on the book I was writing. Ideas swirled throughout my head and inspired my fingers to type until they had cramps. After a few hours went by I decided I should walk to my car and start driving to my new apartment so I can get settled in.


When I got there Hope didn't open the door but a tall familiar stranger opened it.

"Hi I'm here for Hope," I said "I'm her new roommate"

"Oh yeah, she told me about you, Vanessa, right?" he smiles and holds out his hand for me to shake

"Yeah, are you her brother?"

"Yes, my name is..." he gets interrupted

"Hey V I hope my brother isn't bothering you" she laughs and pushes him

"Maybe just a little bit" I joke

"Hey I was not" he laughs and shoves me in the shoulder a bit

"So V where did you park so we can get your stuff out of your car"

"I'll show you but warning my stuff is heavy" I warn them

"I'm sure it's not that heavy" her brother says

"Okay, if you say so" I snicker

*A few minutes later*

"Fuck your stuff is heavy," he says

Which I find oddly attractive. Like is it just me or when a guy curses it's really attractive. Snap out of it V and focus this is your roommate's brother, I'm sure she wouldn't like you being attracted to him it's weird.

"Yeah, you're telling me I carried it to my car." I roll my eyes at him "Hope I thought you said he was strong" I laugh

"I thought he was too" she jokes "It seems like your stronger than him V"

"She is not," he says annoyed

"Calm down we were kidding," I say

We carry all the boxes up to my room and lock up my car. They leave me alone to organize my stuff and get it all together. I start by placing a cute carpet down and hanging up stuff on the wall. Then I put my clothes and away and organized them.


After I finish I change into a crop top, yoga pants, and put my hair up in a sloppy bun then go to the kitchen and grab water.

"You finished," Hope says to me while she and her brother's eyes were glued to the tv.

"Yeah, it took forever," I say exhausted "Do you wanna see?"

"Yes of course," she says excitedly

"Yes of course," she says excitedly

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When they both walked in the gasped because of the way the room looked

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When they both walked in the gasped because of the way the room looked

"I divided it into two sides because of how big it was," I said, "What do you guys think?"

"This is amazing," Hope said "You're a genius"

"I might have to have you design my room" Her brother jokes

Hope leaves and says she is going to order food but her brother stays.

"Hey I never did get your name, what is it?" I ask him

"Austin" he smiles

Then I remember "I feel like we've seen each other before" wasn't he that guy from the karaoke bar.

"We probably haven't I would've remembered a beautiful face like yours," he says as he steps close to me "Unless we kissed at a party and I was drunk, I would probably need you to help me remember" he winks which makes me blush.

"In your dreams" I spin him around and try to push him out the door but he shuts the door and in on swift move pins me against it

"Try again Princess" he smirks and puts me down as soon as his sister calls his name "To be continued" as I walk away I feel him staring at me and I look back and catch him staring at my ass and to tease him I sway my hips which causes him to groan a bit.

"Get out Austin your sister is calling you," I say teasingly

"See you around Princess" he smirks and disappears.

This is going to be interesting. I can't have feelings for him what so ever it can't happen. I won't do it.


Authors note: Famous last words, Do you think she will keep her promise and not fall for him? What will happen when her roommate finds out? Stay tuned:))

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