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After I take a shower I invite one of my friends, Alex, over. When he arrived he brought pizza. "Oh my god, Alex you are the best," I say

"It was no problem, how's the new place?" He asks. "My roommates great, her brother isn't," I say. "I heard that, who's this" Austin looks at Alex weirdly.
"This is my friend, Alex," I say

"Hello, nice to meet you," Alex says

"Same to you, I guess'' Austin scoffs. That's weird why is he being so rude. ''Well I just wanted to drop off some pizza, I have work anyways so I'll be on my way" Alex says

"Well okay then, is the group still on for dinner tonight? I'll bring Hope if she wants to come" I say.

"Yeah everyone still wants to go" he responds

We hug and say our goodbyes and I'm once again left with Austin. "When does Hope get off of work?" I ask him

"Umm I don't know, who was that?" he asks me

"A friend," I say

"A boyfriend?" he says with a weird look on his face.

"No," I say "Why?"

"I was just asking princess," he says stepping toward me "So I could do this"

He grabs my face and kisses me hard and I kiss him back. He picks me up and takes me to his apartment. He pushes me onto his bed and begins to make out with me again. I moan against his lips but, then I push him away.

Then I wake up...

Wait a minute it was all a dream. I get up and walk outside my door to see my roommate sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Oh god I was wondering when you would wake up" Hope says to me "Wanna watch some gossip girl?". "Sure, let me just take a shower" I respond still confused. I've never dreamed that vividly but I guess it would make sense, I'm not that bold and he isn't into me. I'm nothing but his younger sisters roommate.

After I get out of the shower, I get dressed and meet my roommate back on the couch. She hands me popcorn and we start to binge watch the show.

Hours into it just as something exciting was going to happen someone barges in. We don't really pay attention to who it is though because of how interesting the show is. For all we cared it could've been a robber but, in that moment all we cared about was what would happen between Serena and Blair.

"God it's so not fair" I say sighing "They are so hot and all they care about is fighting over one guy when they could have anyone they want". "You are so right. How come they only care about Nate, Dan, and Chuck?" she laughs "They could have so many other hotties".

"Wait a minute speak for yourself Nate could get it" I break my gaze with the TV to look at her "Anytime. Any place. Just give me the time, date, and location". We both laugh until we hear someone say "You guys are disgusting".

We turn to look at who said that and it is no one other than Austin. "Are you eating our chips?" Hope and I say in unison. "Who invited you?" I said and hope nodded her head in agreement. "I invited myself" he says.

"You have your own apartment, Austin"  Hope rolls her eyes "Go there and let us complain about our lives". "Well then don't mind me" he smirks.

We both scoff and turn our attention back to the TV. At some point I'm upside down on the couch with Hope hugging my feet and Austin snoring on the couch to the right of us. "Who's cooking" Hope whines "I'm so hungry". She throws a pillow at Austin who jolts awake "What?" he says. "We are hungry" she whines more.

I'll do it" I say as I walk to the kitchen and ask "what do you guys want pasta or?". "Whatever you feel like cooking" Hope yells. I start cooking and hear Hope unpause Gossip girl, "Are you seriously watching it without me?" I yell at her. "Yes, it's not like you haven't seen it before" she laughs. "Are you serious? If I miss a scene with Nate being incredibly sexy I'll kill you" I say and Austin groans "Shut up he isn't that hot".

I stop what I'm doing and say "You're a blind man your word doesn't mean a thing" he scoffs and ignores my comment. "You know what Hope?" I say "I kinda get why Serena likes Dan, he's got this underdog thing going for him. He's so dark and mysterious full of adventure sits kinda hot". "But what about Chuck, why do you think Blair likes him?" she responds. "Oh I definitely get that one" I chuckle "He's a bad boy, he knows what he wants and he gets it. She's in love with him because he kind of has a sweet spot for her, and everyone loves a bad boy with a sweet spot, tell me I'm wrong".

After that I don't hear a word, "See that proves my point" and Hope laughs and goes silent.  After I finish the food I clean up a bit and call them in to grab some food. I watch as Austin and Hope fight each other into the kitchen, like animal, and fight over the food. I walk over grab my food and go sit down on the couch and after a bunch of loud noises come from the kitchen, including screaming and fighting noises, they both come and join me on the couch and we continue to watch gossip girl.

Austin starts to get into it and starts commenting on the characters and what's going on. After we finish eating I go to clean up and a while after I start Austin joins me. "Thank you" I say and smile at him "You didn't have to". "Of course I had to" He returned the smile, "You cooked dinner after all". "Would you guys stop flirting and Austin I want my gossip girl buddy back" Hope laughs, "I'm coming, your royal highness" I yell as I run to her and bow at her feet "We shall continue The Gossip Girl". They both laugh at my actions and Hope pushes me and I pretend to be hurt which makes her laugh more.

After a while of watching Netflix together, we decide to shut it down and go to sleep. "I'm crashing on the couch tonight guys" Austin screams, "Go home" Hope and I scream back.
Even though part of me wished he would stay. Wished he was mine and I was his. I longed for his touch and this may sound a bit dramatic but I lived for his presence. I was whipped, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.


Authors note: I've been writing and rewriting this chapter for days and forgot to post it. To be fair I was in speech class when I finished and she had called on me and I was scared shitless so I just forgot.

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