You again

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Vanessa's pov:
When I finish singing I feel amazing, I haven't sung since high school talent show...

I scan the room and my eyes meet with the stranger I ran into on the street. My smile disappears for a while and I stare at him for a while. He looks pretty tall I haven't seen him from this far but I know it's him because of his pretty brown eyes, he winks at me which
makes me look around to the rest of the crowd and smile.

After I walked back to my seat the show went on but I kept staring at this handsome stranger. I wish I had his name. I look at the people he's with a few guys and two girls. When his eyes start to move over towards me I turn around and pretend I wasn't looking.

After a while a name is called to the stage and the handsome stranger, Austin, appears. Cristina turns to me with her eyes wide open and whispers "damn he's hot, what's he singing".

The music starts and guess what the song is...
boyfriend by Justin Bieber. I literally was obsessed with Justin's music as a teen.

"If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go
I can take you places you ain't never been before"
he even has the whisper down, I look over at Cristina and she is starstruck. I know I should back off or whatever because she's my best friend but I can't help but be jealous. I snap out of it and watch the rest of the performance. While he was singing I think he winked at someone in our direction and Cristina thought it was her.

At the end of the performance she told me she'd be right back and went right over to him.

Tayler says "what's she doing?"

I chuckle and pretend it doesn't bother me "She getting herself some"

Me and Tayler talk a bit and get to know each other a little more. We watch as Cristina walks over happy as I don't know what. Which makes me feel even more upset.

"What happened?" I asked

"He gave me his number and he said he would text me" we both look over at him and he winks.

I watch as she blushes and practically swoons over him so I decide I will be supportive and be happy for her.

I know this was short but I promise I will poat the second part for this later

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