Someone new

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I hear my alarm screeching and as I slam it I groan "At least it's Friday right"

I jump in the shower and threw on a cute graphic tee, a pair of mom jeans, and my favorite white jordans. When I get to work I see my best friend, Cristina, leaning against my desk, finally she looks up and waves me over. What does she have planned I wonder... maybe she wants to go to that new karaoke bar or something.

When I reach her she asks me "Have you seen the new karaoke bar?"

I chuckle "I knew you were going to ask me that" she's loved karaoke ever since we were kids
"So you know we are going right?" she grabs both my hands and squeezes them tight

"yes of course we ain't got nothing else to do" but watch Netflix and eat ice cream

"Should we invite new girl" she glances behind me "if you won't I will" she winks at me

"You can invite him if you please" I don't really know how I feel about him coming... he's attractive but that mystery guy is stuck in my brain. Maybe I should just forget him and let loose for tonight it's not like I'll see him again. But it is good inspiration for my story so I can only think about him at work.

As this exchange is going on in my head Cristina and Tayler walk over towards me and snap me out of my daze.

"Hey V" Tayler flashes his beautiful sparkling eyes at me... snap out of it Vanessa
"Hey T" I hope my cheeks aren't rosy red because it feels as if they are.

We talk about the time we are all going to meet and we decided my place at 7, since I live closer than both of them. A few minutes later they walk away and I starts my work.

After work I say goodbye to everyone and head home. As soon as I walk through the door I pick out an outfit and take a shower. Cristina shows up first to finish helping me get ready.

At exactly 7 there is a knock and I open the door to Tayler with his mouth wide open
"You look amazing V" he looks me up and down admiring all of my curves

"Thank you" I blush

"Okay losers are you ready to leave" Cristina playful scowls

"Yes ma'am" we both say like soldiers

We all laugh as we walk out the door to the bar. When we arrive the bar is almost packed "this is gonna be a long night" I say as I sigh

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