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I look through my closet trying to find something to wear and I find this cute red dress with a slit on the side. I go to the bathroom to wash my face, and then I slip into the dress. Then I let my curls down and put on a pair of cute black heels. I walked out of the room to see Austin sitting on the couch, "Don't you ever go home?" I said laughing, "I do but it-" he stops talking when he faced me. "Cat got your tongue?" I respond he walks over to me taking me in, and whispers in my ear "The dress looks gorgeous on but imagine it off". 

I stand there speechless not wanting to meet his eyes. "So where's Hope?" I try to turn the conversation, "She's in the car" he says lifting my face to meet his. He moves a little closer and takes his hand it slides it up to my dress which causes me to gasp, "W-what are you doing?" I stutter, why am I so nervous?

Then he proceeds to tease me and then he walks away but before he leaves he says, "You better get downstairs Hope is waiting for you" he winks and disappears. I collect myself and go to the car.  

When I get in the car Hope says, "So what did you guys do when I left?" well what does she want to hear we had sex, "I took a nap and when I woke up he was in my bed disturbing my nap, what an asshole" I laugh and turn to her and she's frowning "What's wrong babes?". She focuses on the road, "Nothing," I can tell she's lying but, I can tell it might be something I shouldn't know so I back off and we sit in silence.

We pull into the driveway of this gorgeous house but, after I got out of the car it didn't smell so beautiful. It reeked of sweaty twenty-some-year-olds and weed, "Here we are" Hope says and at that exact moment a girl throws up in the bushes and downs a shot of what I think is Vodka, what she actually needs is some god damn water.

Hope disappears for a while and I decide to wait outside for my other friends to come. When they arrive I hug them and try and lead them through the house to the best of my ability. "We should dance" Rose yells trying to speak over the music which was useless so she acts it out for us which was hilarious. Me, Alex, Lilly, Rose, and Isaiah make our way to the dance floor and our favorite song comes on, feel so close.

We used to always hang out at Alex and Isaiah's apartment and dance to this song because of The Vampire Diaries of course. Alex and Zay didn't want to admit it but they loved TVD, we all did. When the song ended I told the group that we should go meet up with Hope because I wanted them to meet her. 

I found her in the kitchen filling up her drink not really socializing with many people so I brought my friends over and introduced them. Then someone ran into her and started talking to her and once again I lost her in this big crowd.

For the rest of the night, I occasionally saw Hope around sometimes with a guy or with a few guys, and one time I even saw her on the dance floor.  A little later Hope came up to me "Vanessaaaa" she slurred. She was obviously really drunk "Come on Hope we need to get you home" I responded and waved bye to my friends. 

When we go outside I realized I shouldn't really drive either because I drank too. "Can I borrow your phone we need to call Austin so he can come to get us" I say. "Are you and Austin dating?" She asks as she falls into me, "No, Why?" I respond. "Good because I have a secret, Austin isn't actually my brother" I laugh because I thought it was just the drink talking. "He's my best friend, his parents died a while back and my family took him in.". Oh, I thought she was just kidding, "I have another secret," she says before I can even respond to the first thing she said, "I'm in love with him" and then she handed me the phone.

That was not what I was expecting.

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