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When we came back from our break, Cristina and I notice our boss talking to a tall young muscular man.

I think back to the man I met this morning and wonder if it's him but when the guy turns around I'm sadly mistaken. He has dreamy blue eyes, the kind you could stare into all day, and electric blonde hair.

Cristina taps me and snaps me out of my daze. ''Wow do you see him V" she whispers in my ear "Maybe I'll go introduce myself stay here"

I look at her with confusion on my face. "I'm kidding come on" she nudges me

We go to walk up to our boss but, someone steps in front of us, Arizona Grey, oh my gosh does she make me go crazy. She is so uptight and always writes about the same thing and she wonders why she doesn't get any good assignments.

We watch her interrupt the conversation and shake the gorgeous man's hand and when he looks up we make eye contact and I swear it was like magic. Then after what it feels like ages, he looks back at Arizona and there I stood starstruck.


After this moment Cristina kept sending me texts every time he moves a room and after a while, I start to ignore her so I could get some work done.

I pushed back the gorgeous man to the back of my mind and start writing about the mysterious man. A few hours go by and I stop writing to think about how he just disappeared so fast.

Is he thinking of me like I'm thinking of him? I know that he was in a hurry but, where did he go?

My question is interrupted by a male voice. "Hi, my name is Taylor woods, what yours?" it's the new guy I saw earlier.

"My name is Vanessa Pierce, but most people call me V" we shake hands for a while then decide to let go.  

"I just wanted to introduce myself, I saw you earlier but, you were writing and I didn't want to interrupt" he replied as he sits on my desk

"Honestly I'm just writing ideas and writing somethings to see if it would work," I say as I notice him watching my lips and smiling

He looks back up at my eyes and says "Your really passionate about your work"

"What do you mean," I say confused

he laughs and says "When you talk about what your work your eyes sparkle and you smile it a lot it's nice"

"Thank you" I try and keep myself from blushing I need to end this conversation immediately before  I get myself in trouble "It was really nice talking to you but I better get back to writing"

"I should as well" He gets up off my desks and walks to leave but he turns around and says "I'll see you around"

"See you later alligator," I say instantly regretting it, ALLIGATOR... oh lord I'm in for a treat


Authors note: Again I'm going to try to upload as much as I can, I have a free day tomorrow so I might do a lot of writing.

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