Past and Present

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I was running fast, hoping no one would see me especially not him. Then after I think I'm far enough I stop, which was probably the worst mistake I've made thus far, and I see a pair of golden brown eyes staring at me, "What do you want from me, all I've ever done is love you and you want to kill me". "I don't want to kill you, love" the eyes dart back at me as the man steps slowly out of the shadows, "But if you keep running I might have to, I can't let anyone know who I am". "You're a monster" I yell "I wish I'd never met you".

I stopped typing, and since my boss keeps pressuring me to finish this book I need to make sure I put my all in since it is my first. I walk out of the room in some really short shorts and a baggy t-shirt that covers them. "Morning V, you still haven't taken a shower" Hope laughs, "Nope I'm still writing, I have a deadline for the next few chapters," I say as I sit near her on the couch.

"Gossip girl?" she asks grabbing the remote. "Gossip girl" I reply smiling. After a whole episode of pretty much laughing at the teen drama, Hope turns to me and asks "Are you single?", "Hope are you trying to hit on me" I laugh. "You're hot but no, just answer the question" she responds, I  laugh and say "No, my ex cheated on me with my best friend". "Oh, well fuck them," she says "Where do they live? I need to teach them a lesson" she cracks her knuckles as she says it. "Chill it's fine, I handled it and I didn't really care, to be honest, I guess I didn't really like him that much".

"Well that's good because I want to set you up with someone" she winks, just as I'm about to open my mouth Austin walks in, and Hope kicks me. "Ouch, what was that for," I say, she whispers "Him" and I stare at her in disbelief. I get up and drag her into the kitchen, I whisper "I will not get with your brother, why would you want me to?", "Because even though we've only known each other for a while I trust you, and my brother has always hung around the wrong crowd" she responds. Which melted my heart, but I can't date her brother, and plus he doesn't even like me. "I'll think about it," I say as she hugs me and then walks back into the main room.

I grab a snack and head back into the room to find Austin and Hope watching the tv, I walk past Austin and hear Hope tell him "Stop staring at roommates ass", I ignore the comment and slap  Hope on my way to sit next to her. We watch TV for about 3 hours until Hope says "Damn, I've got work in 30 minutes" she gets off the couch and snatches the remote out of my hands, "You're not allowed to watch it without me" I snatch it back and get out of it "Fine I'll find something else" I say. 

"Bye guys have fun," Hope says and shoots me a wink as she walks out the door. I can't believe she wants me to get with her brother. "We are watching a scary movie end of the story," I say to Austin as I get up to get some more snacks. When I got back I noticed he moved to the couch I was sitting on and on my way back to my seat he snatched my snacks out of my hand, "Hey you jerk give it back". "We can share, love" he winks at me. Their family sure does a lot of winking huh, I sit down next to him and turn the movie on.

A little bit into the movie I notice his hand is on my thigh but I don't care enough to move it. Then something really horrifying happens and I practically jump into his arms and he laughs at me. "Did you put on a scary movie just so you can jump in my arms" he smirks, which immediately drives my fear away, "Not that I'm not complaining". "Shut up I'm not scared" I lied but, you would be scared too. I try to remove myself from him but he continues to hold me in his arms. After a while, I stop fighting and he moves me in between his lap and we watch the rest of the movie.


After we finished watching a few movies I get up and go to my room and yell back at Austin, "I'm going to take a shower" and I ignore his response and walk straight into the bathroom. After my shower, I realized I've left my towel in my room so I walk out of my bathroom into my room to look for my towel, and guess who I found instead? Austin. He looks me up and down and slowly throws me my towel. "Why are you in here?" I ask trying to take away from the fact that my roommate's brother just saw me naked, "I was coming in to scare you but, I think I got a much better surprise" he started to walk toward me until we were inches apart and whispered in my ear "You should walk around like that more often" which sent shivers down my spine. Then he walked away, maybe Hope was right. Maybe I'm just horny, I haven't had sex in months, maybe that's why I feel like this toward him. I put on a pair of jeans that showed off my curves and a cute shirt.

 I put on a pair of jeans that showed off my curves and a cute shirt

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I walked out into the kitchen to find Austin in our food. "Why are you never in your own house?" I ask and roll my eyes. He turns to look at me and looks at my outfit, he totally disregards my question and walks closer to me "Your body looks great in those clothes" and slaps my ass. I walk past him and slap his ass right back, then I start laughing. He obviously gets annoyed with my laughing, spins me around, and pulls me really close to him, "Do that again and I'll punish you, my love" I feel myself start to blush so I leave the room immediately and yell "Order some pizza, I'm going to take a nap".

When I wake up from my nap I feel some heavyweight holding me down, I look to see who it is and it's Austin with one hand on my breast and another in the waistband of my jeans. Who invited him to my nap, and where is the pizza. I shake him a bit and call his name, "Yes my love" he responds. "Can you move your hands?" I ask him politely "No" he responds "Go back to sleep" he pulls me close to him and I feel something hard in my back. Is he seriously hard right now? 

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