Feel so close

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(The dress she wears to the club)

I stared at my closet for awhile trying to decide what I wanted to wear tonight. Then I spotted this gold dress I bought a while ago just cause it was on sale and it was cute on the model. I put it on and I put on some lip gloss.

I slipped on some gold heels and went out to see where Hope was. "Jesus you look hot" I heard her say. I laughed and turned to look at her "So do you" she was wearing a strapless dark blue dress, it was so cute. "Do a spin for me" I smiled as she spun. "Okay let's stop flirting we have to leave" I laughed at her statement and slipped my phone into my bag then we left.

When we got out Austin was in a short sleeve black button up and some black pants. I could see his muscles bulging through the shirt, "Okay we ready to go" Hope said filling the silence. I nodded and she started walking and I followed. I looked back to see where Austin was and he was behind me staring at my ass. I snapped at him and rolled my eyes at him.

We called an Uber because we were all drinking. We showed our ID's to the bouncer and walked in. This is better than an amateur college party and it smelled way better. There were lots of people on the dance floor and other people staring at others on the floor. We found some empty seats at the bar and I noticed a group of girls gawking at Austin, I mean who wouldn't? If a tall, hot man with tattoos walked in the bar shit I'd stare at him too.

Hope got us a few shots and we drank them and headed for the dance floor. Hope found some guy in the middle of our dance and left to go make out with him so it was just me and Austin. Then the DJ turned on this song and it immediately reminded me of this scene from The Vampire Diaries when they were at that college party and Elena was a vampire.

I feel so close to you right now, it's a force field
I wear my heart upon my sleeve like a big deal
Your love pours down on me
Surrounds me like a waterfall
And there's no stopping us right now
I feel so close to you right now

Austin took my hand a pulled me close to him and at first we were just dancing and having fun. Then a few minutes later I was dragging him into the bathroom and we made out for a while, "We. Should. Get. Back. To. Hope." I said to him in between kisses. He groaned onto my lips, "Okay come on". I kissed him and said let me freshen up and I'll meet you back out there.

I sat on the sink for a while smiling when someone came out of the stall. When they walked out we both stared at each other and started laughing. "Hey I'm Vanessa" I smiled at her. "I'm Brooke" she said and smiled. We talked for a bit in the bathroom and which was weird but I bet it was weirder for her to hear me and my boyfriend making out. I gave her my number and we said our goodbyes.

I walked out of the bathroom and was looking around the room for Austin. Then I saw him but not just him. I saw Hope on his lap. I sat there trying to figure out what I was going to do. Then I just left.

I wanted to slap the shit out of both of them but this is a public place and I'd rather not ruin everyone else's fun. I jumped in an Uber and when I got home I changed and went out to my bike. I drove around for a while until I got to the park where he asked me out.

I walked to the spot and sat under the tree out picnic was at and cried. Was this some kind of revenge plot by Hope? Getting him to sleep with me and fall in love with him and then taking him from me? Well fuck him and fuck this.

This is crap I'm not gonna sit and cry. Well I mean I just did but that's besides the fucking point. I mean I'm sitting here in the rain crying over a guy I've known for maybe a month. This is crazy. Maybe I should stick to writing romance and not living it. I walked back to my bike, slid on my helmet and headed back to my building. When I got to my apartment floor I walked slowly back. If I walk in and they are having sex on the couch call an ambulance. But not for me..

Well anyways as I got closer to my apartment I heard Austin's voice say "Where's my girlfriend?". I stood outside of the door listening in on the conversation. "Austin what are you talking about I'm right here" Hope says to him. I hear shuffling and hear Austin say, "Get off of me" and with this I quietly open the door and shove Hope off of him. Even though I'm still mad it doesn't mean I'm gonna let her assault him.

"There's my girlfriend" he said falling into me, what's wrong with him? How much did he drink? "Hope how much did he drink?". "Not that much why?" she responded looking guilty. I was going to say something else but he grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear "I'm getting sleepy". I wrapped his arm around me and dragged him back to his apartment.

Before I could lay him down his mouth started to foam and he began to seize. What the hell did he drink? I turned him on his side and called the police and tried to remain as calm as I could so they could understand everything.

Then I sat by him until the hospital told me I couldn't go any further. I sat in the waiting room waiting for a doctor or nurse or someone to tell me something. Then while I was waiting Hope came in and sat down next to me

At first she was really quiet and then she decided to speak up. When she did I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth.

That bitch.

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