From good to bad

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My phone dings and its a text from Hope.

We are going to the club tonight, we all need a break.

I put a thumbs up on the text and groaned, "What's wrong?" Austin said pulling me back under his arm. "Hope wants to go to the club tonight" I pause "So I said sure". "Well if you're going I'm going I mean... can I? I mean if you don't mind I could stay home." I laugh at him stumbling his words. "Yeah of course your going. I need to say this is my boyfriend to the guys I don't like there" I said quiet but loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah" he said proudly but when he realized what I meant.. "Hey, wait only to the guys you don't like... what about the guys you do like?". "Well if I told you I have a boyfriend, wouldn't you be sad?" I said laughing. "Oh so you like me?" He smiled proudly, "No, I'm just sleeping with you" and with this statement his smile disappeared "I'm kidding I'm kidding" I said kissing his cheek. 

"Well then in that case I like you too" he laughed and tried to kiss me but I said "AHH I have a boyfriend, watch out." which made him laugh even harder.


I only worked on my book a bit today because Austin wanted to hang out a bit this afternoon. After I finished off my idea I changed into a white crop top and some loose jeans with a pair of airforce 1s. 

"You look beautiful as always" a voice said behind me which made me blush slightly. I turned around to see him in a collar blue and white sweatshirt and blue jeans. He knows how to dress. That's definitely a turn on... "You clean up nicely" I said biting my lip when I brought my head up to his eyes. He did a little spin and laughed "Only the best for you. Ready to go?" he walked over and linked his hand with mine. I smiled up at him and nodded.

We walked out the apartment and headed down the street past a bunch of tiny shops he promised we'd go back to. I saw a really cute bag I want and I almost didn't move from my spot till he swore on his life I would get that bag. You guys might say 'well its just a bag' that bag was cute as hell and I have so many fits it would look nice with. 

Yes I have an obsession with tiny bags... don't tease me.

Anyways when we got to the park he brought me to a quiet place at the park and we approached a blanket with some roses and a picnic basket. I waited for him to walk past it but he lead me straight to the basket. "Is this for me?" I said confused, no one has ever set up a picnic for me. I've never actually been on a real date. Even with Tayler he never really took me out we mostly stayed in. He never even gave me presents on my birthday. Even though I don't really care about going out and presents and all that other corny romantic shit. It's fun to have verse writing about it all the time.

You know what they say, those who can't have what they want write about what they want. I mean come on most of the stuff is unrealistic but a girl can dream right. "Yes of course" he laughed that beautiful laugh of his "Did you think I would walk you to someone else's picnic?".

"Uh no. Maybe" I said ducking my head. "Well your right I did we got 5 minutes to eat and another 5 to get out before they catch us" me taking him literally sat down and was about to eat. "V, I was kidding" he frowned "I wouldn't steal someone else's picnic. If I wanted to do something for you I would do it myself and I did because I care about you."

I looked up at him feeling pretty stupid but all very happy because he said he cares about me. This handsome, funny, romantic and just all together amazing guy likes me. Little olé me. Who would've thought. "Austin" I stood up and grabbed his hands "I care about you too. You are so sweet and no one has ever done this for me before." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Then after staring into each others eyes for a few minutes we realized we were both hungry and what we were doing was quite odd. Who stares into someone's eyes for 3 minutes? What are we doing trying to do? Burn each other with our stares. 

We sat there eating, talking and laughing and I felt like the luckiest person in the whole world. I guess it takes a few bad guys to find a good one. And here I am staring at the best one. Maybe it's a little early to say but I see a future with him and I hope he can see it too.


We got home walking hand and hand in the apartment. "I have to go get changed for the part but Hope and I will meet you out here at 8" I said kissing him. "Okay I'm good with that. See you at 8" He kissed me again pushing me against his door "Or we could say fuck the party and stay in my bed all day." I smiled and said "I promised Hope. This will be fun I promise." well at least I hope it will be good.

I haven't told Hope that Austin and me are... well that we.. I don't even know what we are so maybe we should figure that out before I say anything. Tonight will be something.

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