My forever

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(A few years later)
"Vanessa how does it feel that your book is now a movie?" one reporter asks me
"Are you excited for the premiere?" another's one shouts "Will all the cast be there?". I walk to my car. My security pushing people out of the way. I made my way to my car and hear someone ask me "What are you feeling?". I stop and I turn around. I remember why I wrote the book and I smile, "I think my face tells it all.". My guard opens my door and I slide into the seat.

"Where to Miss?" my driver says. "Home" I respond slumping in my seat. It's been a few years since what happened and I finally published my book. I realized life is short and I shouldn't give up. Especially after the hospital called me. I remembered everything.

I woke up on the bathroom floor with my phone ringing loudly. I pick up the phone and after hearing the news on the other side. I dropped the phone and immediately ran to the hospital.

(Flashback over)

I open my door and walk in my house. "Max. Max where are you?" I yell. My big teddy bear dog comes running up to me. "Hey Max how was your day? Your a good boy. Aren't you a good boy". Then I hear footsteps.

"Hey" I hear a deep voice say. "Austin! You're home. When did you get here?" I ran toward him and jumped in his arms. I attacked him with kisses. "I got home early and I wanted to surprise you. I know you have your movie premiere tonight and I wanted to come with." God I love him. I almost lost him a few years ago and I swear I will never let him go ever again. "Great, You want something to eat?" I asked him walking to the kitchen.
"Yes, but I'm cooking for you. I haven't made you anything to eat in weeks." He grabs my hands and kisses them. "That's good with me" I smile and laugh.

I follow him into the kitchen and watch him shuffle around the kitchen. Making a mess but still it's a sweet gesture.

Honestly I never thought I'd be here. Especially after the accident and learning about how he worked for my parents. At first I was kind of upset but then I don't know... I realized what we felt for each other was
more than just platonic. It wasn't work for him and it wasn't a distraction for me.

I fell hard but who wouldn't? I mean I finally found a guy that doesn't treat me like dirt, or make me stay in all the time. He doesn't dictate what I wear and we can have serious conversations.

In the middle of my thoughts I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and warm lips kiss my neck. "The food's almost ready, do you want anything or need a snack?" he whispered in my ear. "I'm good, I want to change though so I'll be back.".

I run upstairs, quickly take off my day clothes and put on a pair of shorts and one of Austin's long tees. I walked down the stairs back to Austin. When I saw him still cooking in the kitchen I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He laughed with that cute deep chuckle he uses which is enough to send shivers down your spine. This man is a work of art. And he is all mine.

He also eats all my food which is a downside. But I love him anyway. I just wish my gummies didn't have to take one for the team.

When he finished he put food on plates for the both of us and we sat down. I listened as he went on and on about his work trip and what he did. Then he asked me about the book and the movie premiere tonight.

"We are walking the red carpet baby" I said happy as hell. I get to walk the red carpet with the man of my dreams... who wouldn't be. "Oh wow your famous famous. Don't forget me when your signing all these deals far away." he pouted.

"Shut up" I slapped his arm "Wherever I go you go. Wherever you go I go." Honestly I'd rather stay in L.A. I like it here and the view of the beach from my house is great. If someone wants me they have to come with me.... I mean if it's absolutely required then yes of course but I'd rather not think about that.

Tonight is my premiere. And I have to get ready... shit. I ran up the stairs to the shower. When I got out I felt more relax but still nervous. I mean will people like it?? What if I fall on the red carpet?? Okay Vanessa stop
thinking negative.

You did this. You got yourself here. You didn't choose to be successful, success chose you. Although if it was an option a long time ago.. I would ask to be successful.

Anyways.. I slipped into a long red dress with a slit down the side. When I finished getting dressed Austin walked out with his towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

Damn I just wanna get naked again and I just got dress. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead, "You did great baby. No need to be nervous, people are gonna love it" he already knew what I was thinking. That's why I love him.

He's smart..

30 minutes later we were both ready to go. Austin opened to door for me to get in and after we were both settled the driver set off for event. 

When we got out of the car we were bombarded with questions. Mostly about Austin and who he was. We kept our relationship under wraps and away from the media because we wanted our love away from the chaos. Now we are stable and we are ready to share our feelings to the world. I smiled and took some pictures and we went to walk into the building.

We walked half way across the carpet when they made us stop and take more. Austin was on my left, with his hand in the small in my back. I turned to the right and after awhile noticed his hand gone and people gasping.

I turned around to look for Austin and couldn't find him till I felt a hand tap me from below me. "Babe why are you-" he cut me off.

"Vanessa, I've known you for a long time, you've been my rock, my supporter,
my lover and friend. My whole life I thought I was complete and I'm not saying this to be corny but now I realized it wasn't complete without you." my eyes started to water.. who's cutting onions during my proposal. "You got me through a tough time in my life. You saved me from getting killed by my best friend. But not only did you save me but you stole my heart.".
My heart swelled and my stomach did flips during this whole thing.

"But as a judge for this case I plead you not guilty because I'm giving you my heart and I'm hoping you'll give me yours in return. So Vanessa Pierce will you marry me?"

I stared deep into his eyes and said "Yes". I mean of course I said yes he's my person.. He's the Shepherd to my Grey (Greys anatomy reference). He's also my Cristina.

The rest of the night I was on cloud nine. I honestly forgot why were even there. But I didn't care, I was engaged and not just to anyone... To my forever.

Authors note:
This is the last chapter but I might do Austin's
POV of the wedding.

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