016: jung wooyoung is insecure [M]

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cw: mature content in first half of chapter

cw: mature content in first half of chapter

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《 can't help it
can't help but
question everything 》

Wooyoung was so convinced as a child he'd had some type of fear showing his body. As long as he could remember, he'd preferred changing separately instead of with others when p.e came around, and even felt like he was doing something wrong whenever he went to the beach or a public pool and had to take his shirt off.

Turned out, there was a name for that. Gymnophobia, it was called, or the Fear of Nudity. After that hasty Google search that confirmed his insecurities, Wooyoung spent the upcoming years avoiding any social event that contained having to show some skin.

At first, he figured it was due to all the occasional hurtful remarks about his body thrown his way by his own parents, but later on, Wooyoung soon discovered the reason he was so adamant on staying covered was simply because he hated himself. He reasoned that, if he didn't like the way he looked, others would most likely be disgusted with him.

Wooyoung harboured that thought for a long time, abiding by it because he figured it was the truth. He was disappointing to look at, and as a result no one else would ever look at him and think of him as beautiful.

And now, with San's hand in his hair and the other running appreciatively down the curve of his body, Wooyoung can't help but wonder what San's true intentions are.

The man's dressed in fuzzy pink pjs with red flowers on them, quite similar to the sky blue one Wooyoung's wearing. And, even though Wooyoung isn't really a big fan of pastel colours, he feels nothing less than cozy in his clothes, all wrapped up in San's warm arms.

"What are you thinking about?" San asks, the sincerity in his chocolate brown eyes causing Wooyoung to briefly stare at the windows on the side. Predictably, they're pitch black, showcasing the sheets of snow drizzling in front of them.

"I'm not thinking anything," Wooyoung answers, but it's a lie and they both know it.

San shifts closer to him, planting a soft kiss to his temple which takes him aback. San's always so touchy and affectionate with him, and although Wooyoung doesn't mind it, he feels unworthy of being treated like this.

"You have a lot of things on your mind," San starts, his dimly lit bedroom casting shadows over his features. But even in the dark, Wooyoung can spot the raw thirst in his gaze. "I can help you get your mind off it."

Wooyoung's heart races in anticipation, but he decides to humour the older. "Well, how are you gonna do that?"

San shoots him a beaming smile as his hands slip past the younger's top, stroking the flesh underneath, and for a second, a twinge of panic at the older man being so intimately near forces its way through. It doesn't last however, not when San keeps staring at him as if he's the most marvelous thing to grace the universe.

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