021: choi san lets go

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tw/cw: blood + boys doing dumb, risky things

tw/cw: blood + boys doing dumb, risky things

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《 i don't think i've
ever felt more alive
than i feel at this moment 》

There was one moment in Wooyoung's life that made him feel the way he's feeling right now. It was one of his greatest memories; a treasured part of his childhood he'd kept locked and sealed away to the back of his mind after that day as he'd feared nothing else would ever come close to that sort of experience.

He'd been nine back then, starry-eyed and excited for the annual festival his mother'd brought him to. It was Autumn-themed, just like the season at that time, buzzing with a variety of rides even bigger than buildings themselves, as well as glamorous decorations that added to the cozy, warm spirit. The food was the best part, an assortment of delicious treats that made his mouth water.

"You kids should go hang out and buy stuff," the friend of Wooyoung's mother had spoken up at that moment, a taller than average lady with midnight black hair and smiles that made even a shy child like Wooyoung feel comfortable. "We'll find something else to do, don't worry."

"Where are you two going?" Nara, her daughter asked then, arms crossed over her chest. She looked unimpressed, like she'd expected something different.

"Nothing you both need to know about," Wooyoung's mother replied, sharing a laugh with Nara's mother. Clearly, he and Nara had no idea what she'd meant back then, but when Wooyoung looked back on it now, they probably went for drinks and didn't want them being a distraction. "Young-ah, you have enough change, right?"

"Yes mommy," Wooyoung had nodded. Nara's scowl just worsened. For a girl that was supposedly three years older than him, she sure pouted like a baby.

"Good," Mrs Kim, Nara's mother answered. "You know where to meet us when you're done with whatever you guys have planned -- "

"By the giant neon pink unicorn. Got it," Nara cut in before her mom could finish the sentence. It puzzled Wooyoung how the woman could let her attitude slide, considering his own mother would never allow him to talk back to her.

"That's great. Hurry along now, cuties," Mrs Kim gently pushed them forward, her big smile as bright as the silver glitter dotting her cheeks like freckles. "Hoping to see some amazing pictures tonight."

Nara rolled her eyes, while Wooyoung felt awkward. "Don't count on it."

He watched as his mom and Mrs Kim hooked arms and disappeared into the loud crowd of people, and tried to convince himself that the nauseating dread growing inside him was a result of his imagination and nothing else.

"You," Nara suddenly remarked, jutting a tiny finger his way.

He blinked, shocked she was referring to him after ignoring him for like, more than half of their time spent here. "Me?"

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