014: jung wooyoung feels [M]

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« all i want is you »

San's lips are like silk, as faint as a summer's breeze as his eyelids flutter shut, whilst Wooyoung's eyes are open, as wide as saucers. The older's hands roll down his neck to his chest, squeezing onto his shirt for dear life.

Wooyoung's heart stops, and so does everything else as the moment stretches and lengthens -- far longer than it should've. He feels like he's drowned and frozen underwater, with no way of ever reaching the surface. But he has to; he has to get out.

Like breaking through tough ice, Wooyoung finally gains the strength to awaken. His heart kick-starts, palms pressing against San's shoulders. And then he's shoving the older away from him, the heat of his touch forever smeared into his skin.

He gasps for breath as he forces himself to his feet, while San lays crumpled on the floor, limbs stiff and face veiled with a look that Wooyoung has never ever seen on him before.

"W-What was that?" Wooyoung can barely hear himself over his ricocheting heartbeat, distress tumbling out of his voice. Any moment from now and his heart'll shoot out of his chest, he's pretty sure. His fingers clench. "San -- "

"I-It was a mistake," San blurts. He's also now on his feet, hands curling and uncurling. They're shaking so much. "I -- I never meant to do that and I just -- " he turns away, roughly biting his lip. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Wooyoung's first instinct is to close up the distance between them, to comfort San somehow. But he's stuck to one place, mind replaying the way the older leaned in and kissed him. He can still feel his lips on his mouth; how close his heart felt at that moment to splitting into pieces.

"...Say something," San says, slicing apart the thick silence that envelopes them. His knuckles are completely white, wound into this tight grip as his thumbs repeatedly pick and dig at his skin. "Say something, Wooyoung. Please. Don't -- don't leave me hanging."

But Wooyoung doesn't know what to say. Or rather, he knows nothing of how he should say it. So, he stands still as the seconds keep ticking, thoughts storming into his brain at every direction imaginable. He doesn't know what to do.

San looks at him then, and Wooyoung's sure he can see the alarm and fear in his eyes, because his shoulders drop and something dark and unsettling flits over his eyes.

"I'm sorry for kissing you," he says, and Wooyoung gulps. He takes a step back when San attempts to move closer to him, and the man loses every last bit of the spark in his eyes.

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