023: choi san is there

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last 'official' chapter folks!

last 'official' chapter folks!

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《 the beginning of The End 》

Wooyoung doesn't know how long he spends there on the ground; there's no concept of time when someone's just lost everything. He doesn't care if people are around or if they aren't, he just sits, arms squeezed around himself as he tries to breathe without succumbing to the numbing pain his heart's experiencing.

The memories of where everything started to go wrong are prevalent in his mind like fresh cuts, and San's last words are the salt to the wounds, more painful and agonizing than anything Wooyoung's ever felt before.

He tells himself to calm the hell down -- to fucking relax and try and clear his thoughts -- but he can't. He can't do anything but lie there by himself like deadweight, completely hopeless. He's lost his will, all his motivation to help himself. And at this moment in time, he doesn't have the strength to even care.


The voice is a whisper, but closer than Wooyoung would imagine it to be. His name's called again, but he can't find it in himself to move or respond, stuck in one position with his arms wrapped around his knees in a death grip. His limbs ache and his chest fucking hurts, but it's alright 'cause he deserves it.

"Wooyoung..." Said male hears footsteps approaching, growing louder with each second that passes. He glares at the ground, far too ashamed to meet the person's eye. "Are you okay?"

Wooyoung hastily rubs his nose, sniffling in the process. He doesn't know who he's deceiving, though. It's obvious they both know he's been bawling his eyes out.

Not trusting his voice to come out stable, he just settles on a slow nod. Right now, however, he just wants whoever it is before him to get lost.

"You're crying." The deep, soothing timbre of the person's voice is definitely masculine, its familiarity making itself known through Wooyoung's tearful state. "You sure you're alright?"

Wooyoung nods, much faster this time. His lips wobble at the worst moment, and he clamps a hand over them, attempting to muffle out his quiet cries. Fuck, why does it hurt so much?

"Wooyoung -- "

"I said I'm f-fine," Wooyoung forces out, voice breaking at the end. A hand lands on his shoulder, something that's supposed to be a comforting move, but it just adds to the tension building up inside him, adds to the heavy tears weighing down his eyes. "I'm fine."

A sigh, soft and notably sympathetic. "You must be cold. Here."

Warm fabric drapes over Wooyoung's hunched form right then, ridding him of the biting cold. He freezes at the contact, swallows down the lump in his throat.

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