epilogue: they go back

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here is the epilogue/alt ending! its much, much shorter than the earlier chapters tho, just a fair warning

here is the epilogue/alt ending! its much, much shorter than the earlier chapters tho, just a fair warning

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++ seven months later

"Mingi, why are we here again?" Wooyoung asks, arms crossed over his chest as his friend examines the paintings framed on the walls with the pace of a snail.

"To admire art with me, duh," the taller man tells him, stroking his chin as he observes the latest painting. It's coated in red, a flurry of black shapes stark against the surface. Apparently, this is considered abstract art, but Wooyoung honestly isn't interested. "I told you we were going to do this like, two days ago."

Wooyoung looks around them, watching the others study the many paintings as if they fell from the sky or something. He just doesn't get it. He huffs, annoyance flaring within him. "Guess I forgot, but you can't blame me. I'm so busy these days."

"Yeah," Mingi snickers, turning to face him with a smile. "Busy booking photoshoots left and right. Ah, the wonders of being pretty and having a unique set of eyes."

Wooyoung glares at the man when he affectionately ruffles some of his dyed grey hair. "Mingi, this is assault."

Mingi gasps, appalled by the younger's choice of words. He soon laughs it off though, beckoning Wooyoung over into a separate section to view even more paintings. Swell.

"I'm particularly excited to see one of these again. Even cleared my schedule for the opening which took place a week ago," Mingi says as he heads down the quiet hall, and Wooyoung leisurely tags along, surveying the architecture of the place.

There's so much space, but the walls are lined with so many art pieces that they make up for it.

"Wooyoung!" Mingi suddenly whisper-yells, earning the shorter's attention. When Wooyoung turns, the man waves him over, the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh, what is it now -- " Wooyoung halts his groaning just as he notices the painting Mingi's been talking so passionately about.

In front of him lies something that resembles a fruitful pasture under the moonlight. Then sitting beside it is a boy that's more than half the size of the entire area, only a mere silhouette in the night. But, there are blue butterflies in his hair, the left side of his chest a blazing gold that shines down on a few of the trees below. It's where the flowers grow.

"Pretty, right?" Mingi voices out at that moment.

Wooyoung can't help but nod, a little breathless at the intricacy of the painting. It's like each design, down from the shadowed boy to the blooming flowers, and even to the curved moon gleaming on the coloured canvas means something, and Wooyoung wants to find the answer to every single one.

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