020: jung wooyoung figures it out

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《 and what happens when
we fail each other? 》

It wasn't always this hard -- the search for happiness. It wasn't always like this either.

Wooyoung, as a kid, used to laugh a lot. Like, feel really happy. The kind of happy that was so obvious and raw that it lit up your insides with sparks, and as a result it wouldn't have taken long to fizzle it out.

A lot of kids felt that way too, a majority of them unexposed to the cruel ways of the world before...well, society hit them like a truck.

Wooyoung's mother -- long before all the fights and the taunts and the burning hatred for her son and the man she married -- would sometimes hold him close at night and tell him (quite frankly embarrassing) stories of how loud and rambunctious he was as a toddler. He'd scream and run and play-fight for no reason at all, making him downright a hassle for her to deal with at times.

But she loved him, down to his every last flaw. At least, she said she did, until Wooyoung realized she'd been lying.

And as time flew by, Wooyoung would stand in front of the mirror or walk past his old pictures and not even recognize himself, because how could he have smiled so big back then when all he felt inside at that point in time was emptiness?

He'd wake up and wish he fell back asleep. He'd stare at the ceiling and wonder how time seemed to just blur; an infinite loop of hopelessness and nothingness. And it just wouldn't fucking stop, no matter how much he'd wanted it to.

He grew older, number, got more tired. Whenever he experienced some kind of joy, he knew it wouldn't last. The highs got higher, the lows got lower. He stopped seeing the point in smiling, talking, socializing, giving a shit. Stopped seeing the point in anything, really.

And sometimes, Wooyoung wished the world would just halt. Sometimes, opening his eyes and breathing made him want to fucking throw up.

"Everything alright there?"

In the midst of Wooyoung's confusion and tumultuous thoughts, Yeosang's voice shines through. He stops looking at the ground whilst trying to stabilize himself by counting his heartbeat, and looks up at the taller male, who's now rested against his porch, a faint smile on his features.

Wooyoung bites his lip, realizing how parched his mouth is. He manages a stiff nod he isn't sure Yeosang believes. "Y-Yeah. Everything is uhm...fine."

Yeosang crosses the street, and it's then Wooyoung notices the long brown sweater he has on, hood pulled over his head. "Are you taking the bus back to San's?"

Again, Wooyoung wonders how Yeosang knows San's name. Knows he should probably question him about it too, but he isn't thinking clearly and he just needs an outlet to release all the pent-up resentment he's harbouring.

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