005: jung wooyoung comforts

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« parents are the greatest liars
they make you believe in love
until they don't »

Wooyoung likes the sea. Always has, ever since was a kid and first discovered what it was during one of his science classes. The topic was about nature, and although Wooyoung can't remember much about a lesson that happened over ten years ago, he can still vividly recollect the way he felt seeing surfers glide across the vast body of water on the projected screen with their surfboards. He can still remember how endless and infinite the sea was, stretching out into the distant horizon.

And it's quite ironic, really, because Wooyoung doesn't like the sight of his left eye when it's the same colour.

Though Wooyoung adores the sea itself, he despises beaches. He used to love it however -- like most things in his life before he grew up -- used to admire the way his little feet would sink into the grainy, comfy sand. He used to like the rich smell of salt in the air, of birds cackling over the cloudless blue skies. Made him feel free -- infinite -- just like the sea he loved so much.

The beach used to store his most prized memories until his eleventh birthday.

His parents brought him to the local beach, just like they did every other year because they didn't have to spend much, and it wasn't like Wooyoung minded since he liked the outdoors and anywhere that allowed him to be free.

Wooyoung didn't talk to any of the other kids there either, especially after he started to realize dealing with people who obviously wanted nothing to do with him drained his energy to bits, deciding to spend almost all his time there building sandcastles and watching the sun descend down the sapphire blue sky.

"Call your father. I want you to take a picture of him and I together by the sunset," Wooyoung's mother told him from where she sat on her lounge chair. It was always 'him and I' and never 'us three', but Wooyoung never commented on it, obeying her instantly.

He began to hate the beach when he spotted his father by his car -- their car -- with another woman with longer hair than his mother and a face full of makeup. They kissed, his father grinning at her in a way he'd never done with his own wife or son.

Wooyoung never said a thing about it, and sometimes he lies awake at night, wondering if things would've turned out differently if he had. It's not my fault, he'd try to convince himself, but it's been years and he still blames himself for the downfall of his parents' marriage, even when he knows his father is a shit human who cheats and his mother cares about no one but herself.

After that moment, beaches weren't temporary paradises filled with astronomical skies and dazzling seas anymore. They represented lairs of deceit and parents who should've never met in the first place.

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