003: choi san hates veggies

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« only know you drive a fancy car
but don't wanna know who you really are »

It's awkward. So awkward Wooyoung can feel it in his veins, taste it. It renders him frozen, unable to make himself useful. He stands in his new room (he's been here for a while), hands in his pockets as his eyes navigate every nook and cranny of the area, trying to find...something. But he doesn't know what.

The room, by his standards, is perfect. Large enough to contain a queen-sized bed and a colossal walk-in closet and still leave enough room for Wooyoung to walk around freely, but it makes him feel small in comparison. Like a tiny, needless speck of dust tainting the room's perfection. And that intimidates him.

If this is the size of his room when he's only a guest, Wooyoung can't even imagine how Choi San's room looks. He bets he even has more than one room, of course he does.

The thought of the guy -- the CEO -- snaps Wooyoung out of the daze he's in. Suddenly, he's not admiring his room anymore, anxiety lighting his insides on fire. Kim Hongjoong left a while ago after a couple more words and instructions, and after that Wooyoung had been more than eager to retreat inside this room, and San had disappeared as well.

Wooyoung can't hear anything, and that only elevates his nervousness. Dumbass, you're supposed to be outside. That's what you're being paid for.

The thought makes him wince, because it's true. He's not here because he did anything to deserve this luxury, he's here because he's on a paycheck. He tells himself he doesn't care, that he shouldn't. He's just happy he's found a way out of his predicament, even if it's temporary.

A knock pounds against the door at that second, and then it's pulled open, a mop of fiery orange curls filling in Wooyoung's vision.

It's not Choi San, but a guy Wooyoung has never seen before, and he's not sure if that makes him more relieved or not. For a moment, the stranger peers at him through unreadable, scrutinizing eyes, and Wooyoung shuffles on his feet, shoulders tense.

He clears his throat, the sound echoing embarrassingly through the large bedroom. "Uhm, hello."

The stranger pauses, and then he scratches his tangerine coloured hair, a sort of apologetic smile smoothing over his chiseled features. "Ah -- sorry. Forgot my glasses and I'm not too used to the contacts yet. Did I glare or something?"

Wooyoung blinks, once, twice, brows wrinkling in puzzlement. "W-What?"

The stranger fully steps in dressed in overalls, and he's even taller up close, plump lips upturned to reveal a lone dimple. A delectable aroma of baked goods wafts behind him, briefly distracting Wooyoung.

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