022: jung wooyoung loses

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《 words that were better
off left unsaid 》

The weather was the clearest it'd ever been -- at least, to San's knowledge. The sky was a spotless, deep sapphire, not a single thread of cloud dusting it, and the sun was at its peak, its rays dancing across the colourless waves of the sea.

San stared at his feet, his toes wriggling into the runny, wet grains of the sand. Despite the heat, shudders rippled down his back and arms, leaving chills in their wake. He was nervous, but hoped it wasn't noticeable.

There weren't a lot of people around, something about the beach resort only having private access, yet San couldn't stop shivering; couldn't stop feeling like every eye was on him, judging each move he made.

A hand, warm but damp, patted his shoulder right then. Laughter descended around him, increasing in decibels when San promptly found himself in a mock chokehold, earning him an eyeful of armpit.

San didn't waste time thrashing out of his brother's hold, sputtering as if he'd eaten something absolutely repulsive.

"What the hell?" He spat, rubbing his face. "Gross!"

"You're only seven, and yet you're already cussing?" Jongho laughed, placing his hands on his hips like a disappointed parent. His beaming smile spoke of the opposite, though, rivalling the smouldering heat of the sun. "Wait until dad hears about this."

"What's he gonna do, huh? Put me on timeout?" San questioned haughtily, observing his brother's frame before he could stop himself. Jongho thrived in the outdoors, exercising whenever he saw fit, and that was basically proved by how much he was glowing right now. He was only eleven currently, but his height and stature made him look a few years older. San wasn't jealous, but sometimes he wished he wasn't so skinny.

Jongho, however, was clueless to his thoughts. Slinging his arm around San's small shoulders again, he let out, "Nah. I think he'll do something much different."

San stared at his brother, wide-eyed and curious. "...What?"

It happened quicker than San would've ever expected it to. One second, he was on soil, toes occassionally submerged under the frothy waves, and in the other he suddenly landed in Jongho's arms, screeching for dear life as the older boy raced them into the sea.

"Hyung!" San yelled, smacking his brother's chest over and over to get him to stop. But all his attempts turned out to be failures as Jongho just continued to run, a smile bigger than the universe splitting his face.


San's screams abruptly cut short just as they splashed into the water, nothing but large oscillating bubbles remaining. It was dark -- navy blue, maybe -- flecks of aquamarine and silver staining the surface like stars. San tried to reach out, but his hands grasped at nothing, over and over.

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