012: jung wooyoung is not at fault

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« takes courage to admit your faults
takes even more courage to admit you're wrong »

Wooyoung wakes up with something particularly painful lodged in his chest, drowsiness and racing thoughts.

His phone alarm reads a few minutes past 5AM, and he groans out loud even though he'd been the one who set up the alarm in the first place. After spending longer than he should've revising his notes and surfing the web last night, he'd resorted to placing the responsibility of waking up first on his shoulders, as he wanted to be able to make him and San breakfast before they did all the activities they had planned for today.

What if San says he's changed his mind about it all? A stern voice sneaks her way into Wooyoung's mind. Yes, it's a 'her', and she sounds exactly like the reporter on the weather channel he watched sometimes as a kid, all factual and concise. She's the most annoying voice. What if San is already packing up his suitcases, ready to bring you both back to Seoul?

Wooyoung ignores those thoughts -- or tries to -- because his chest constricts even further until he feels like he's going to faint.

He pushes himself off the bed despite his screaming limbs, groggy eyes taking in the contacts case lying haphazardly across his nightstand. He blinks at it, once, twice, and then shuffles his feet into his slippers and heads off without using one for his eye, hands patting down his wild mane of hair.

Wooyoung's tired, and not to mention still quite not enthusiastic about having to arise so early, so when he knocks on San's bedroom door, enters and discovers the older man is nowhere in sight, he just assumes he went to the bathroom or something.

Wooyoung's gaze falls on the bed, noticing the misplaced pillows, scattered plushies and wrinkled sheets, and before he can stop himself, he's fixing everything up into their correct positions. He doesn't know why he's doing this -- or maybe he actually does, because the shame is ripping him apart from inside out. He has no idea how he plans on confronting San about what happened the other night, especially not when all he can think about are the disasterous ways in which it could end.

When San's bed is now neat and orderly, Wooyoung sees the pill bottles lingering on the bedside table. Instantly, his remorse intensifies, because he's not supposed to be in here at all, but here he is, invading San's bedroom without his permission.

He leaves immediately, reeling with even more guilt. Once he steps into the narrow hallway, he's hit with something...sweet, yet savoury at the same time.

Wooyoung continues to walk, but stops when he hears something sizzling over the stove from the kitchen. He panics, because he's pretty sure that's San in there, unless someone new managed to break into their house at five in the morning to cook something. Both scenarios leave him with unfavourable outcomes. Fuck.

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