010: choi san is a problem

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tw: anxiety attack, slight mature content(??)

tw: anxiety attack, slight mature content(??)

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« the thing about you
is that you're beginning to be a little too good to be true »

After Wooyoung finishes his classes on Thursday, he enters a salon and gets a haircut.

Doesn't really know why, but maybe it has something to do with the way his bangs have been falling into his eyes lately, obstructing some of his vision. And it's weird, because only a few months ago he'd decided to let his hair grow as long as he'd allow it, because he couldn't stand to look at his face in the mirror.

Now, his hair's a typical length for the average Korean male, bangs just barely grazing his eyelids, but this time, the barber quiffs the right side away from his face, exposing half of his normally hidden forehead. And this time, Wooyoung doesn't mind it too much.

He enters San's house at around quarter past five, looking through the special jjigae recipe Mingi had sent to him on his phone when he catches the older man in the sitting room, chuckling brightly at something with his back facing Wooyoung.

"Yeah, yeah. Nothing's gonna happen, Joongie. Wooyoung is going to be with me anyways. And no -- it won't affect anything because it's gonna be a weekend vacay. Like I said earlier, I'll be careful -- No." San runs a hand down his long hair, shoulders tensing. "No, why would you say that? Nothing's going on between u -- " he turns, abruptly halting his words just as he notices Wooyoung.

A smile spreads across San's face, while the younger's ears warm up. "You look really good. Wait -- no I wasn't talking about you, Hongjoongie. I can't even see you. Yeah, Wooyoung's back." San's eyes trail after Wooyoung while the younger man places his bag on the couch. "Joongie says hi."

"Hi, Hongjoong hyung," Wooyoung replies, a little stiff. He hears laughter on the other line, and his ears burn even more.

"Good day, Wooyoung. Heard you're leaving for Jeju island tomorrow. Hope you two have fun," Hongjoong speaks, and for some reason that makes Wooyoung all the more flustered since the older man is in on it now.

"We will, I guess."

"You heard that, right? So no need to worry, and get some rest will you? Talk to you later. Bye, love you," San says into the phone, and then he's blowing a kiss before ending the call.

Love you? Kiss? Wooyoung's mind spins with these thoughts until he feels a little dizzy. "Are you both -- " he stops, wanting to slam his head against the wall. He's so stupid, because what kind of nonsense question was he about to ask?

Unfortunately, San hears him. "Are we what?"

Wooyoung clears his throat, shuffles his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "A-Are you two dating?"

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