006: choi san is impulsive

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« water on my face
poison in your veins
we drown until
no one else remains »

There are a few things, Wooyoung believes, that come naturally to some people. Things like wealth, beauty, and luck.

Things like friendship.

It's something Wooyoung noticed ever since he'd discovered humans tended to favour certain people over others, maybe because they had similar interests or likes, or maybe because they just clicked. He saw it everywhere -- from the kids in his school who huddled up in the bus to share earphones, to his parents who preferred to spend time with their work colleagues instead of attempting to pick up the pieces left of their marriage -- and he'd assumed, like everyone else, that he too would soon know what it felt like to have a friend.

Only...he didn't. Not really.

By the time Wooyoung could walk and speak, he was already out and about, trying to mingle with the other kids because everyone liked making new friends, right? That's why people went out with each other, desperately wanting to fit in and not stand out, because that's what humans did. They needed constant attention and love, validation.

And Wooyoung wanted that too. All of it. He wanted to have a million friends, and go to a million parties. He wanted to be popular, loved, and cared for. But he soon realized that something went wrong somewhere, and the problem had to be him because he just succeeded in pushing others away instead of drawing them to himself like he intended.

As a child, he'd been bolder with his attempts at befriending the other kids his age, but soon lost a bit of his courage when some of them made it very obvious his presence wasn't needed.

"Stop trying to be friends with us," one of them told him one sweltering Monday afternoon. "We don't want you here. Go find other friends."

Kids were mean and cruel all the time, Wooyoung had reasoned, so even after crying his heart out that night alone in his small bedroom wondering what was wrong with him, he still tried to find another friend. Lots of people existed everywhere, he figured, all with different faces and personalities. He ought to find at least someone who wouldn't mind him, right?

Wooyoung didn't. After countless days of sitting by himself in every class and countless nights spent teary-eyed in his room, he soon concluded that maybe his eyes were the problem. They had to be. Why else would others actively avoid him?

But then when he saw this one kid in middle school try out several coloured contacts for the remainder of the school year, only to get pats on the back and different kids commenting about how 'cool' he looked, while they did nothing but stare at Wooyoung's eyes in distaste. Wooyoung began to lose a bit of hope.

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