004: jung wooyoung is a liar

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« i'm always a little false
always a little fake
feelings are at stake »

Wooyoung spends over twenty minutes scrubbing off the words on his forehead. By the time he's done, his skin is red and raw, black frothy bubbles staining the once spotless bathroom sink. He sighs.

He can't stop thinking about San's words, though it doesn't stop him from trying to. He sees his reflection in the mirror and feels like an imposter, stuck trying to navigate a body as fake as the coloured contact covering his left eye and as shallow as the smiles he gives everyone.

His eyes glare at him through the mirror, those stupid bags under them making him look like a raccoon that did too much weed. But unlike him, raccoons aren't losers.

Stop thinking about it, a voice in Wooyoung's head yells at him, but it's hard.

He flips open the faucet and watches as the water washes the dirty soap away, wishing he was that soap.

Like San said earlier, a couple cleaners skitter into the mansion as the sun begins to set, out of sight and out of mind until they disappear off again.

Wooyoung doesn't see Choi San either, but it isn't like he wants to. Fortunately, Hongjoong relays him the WiFi passcode, and as soon as he does Hongjoong video calls him on the tablet through Skype.

"Hey, Wooyoung!" Hongjoong greets through the screen, grinning broadly. It's relatively dark wherever he is, golden yellow lights fanning half his face.

Wooyoung's lips stretch into a smile that looks far less enthusiastic. "Hey, Hongjoong-ssi."

"Hey, none of that." Hongjoong nods at something ahead of him, eyes flickering over to Wooyoung again. They sparkle, even under his glasses. "Just 'Hongjoong' is fine. Or 'hyung'. Anyway, I'm being driven to the airport right now, but I wanted to check how everything's going with San. Good, I hope?"

Wooyoung nods tersely. "Yeah. Yeah, everything's good. I also met Mingi-ssi. He's very nice."

He's not sure Hongjoong believes him, but the blue haired man looks distracted enough to not notice a thing.

"That's good. Listen, I tried to call San a few minutes ago, but he wasn't picking up," Hongjoong explains, flipping open a page of a...book, maybe. "I guess he must still be in one of his moods. Don't worry, he'll get better."

Wooyoung nods again. 'Loser' echoes in his head, and he slightly winces. "Okay."

"Are you alright?"

The question catches Wooyoung off-guard, as he hadn't expected anything of the sort. He remembers the times he used to get that question from others, a majority of them from strangers he couldn't care less about. It didn't take him long to realize it's more so out of cordiality than anything else, because no one actually wants to know how you're doing; they just do it to seem like the good guy.

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