018: jung wooyoung is not so different

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tw: panic attack, ptsd 'flashback'

tw: panic attack, ptsd 'flashback'

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《 maybe i'm just being selfish
or maybe i just don't deserve it

San stared out of the car window, a mild frown settling on his lips as the cold late afternoon air caressed his face and tickled his nose. Glancing at the rearview mirror, he could see the faint pink gracing his cheeks, and his frown deepened even more.

God, Summer had to be his least favourite season, from the way it became disgustingly hot at day to how annoyingly chilly it got at night. It was even worse with the white turtleneck and tuxedo he had on at that moment, the pricey clothing smothering him with every terse inhale.

What's taking him so freaking long? San flipped out his phone and checked the time, his brows knitting at the fact that nearly thirty minutes had passed since he'd last parked here at this obscure, tiny ass bakery, and his older brother still hadn't left the establishment. What is he doing?

San tried not to let his frustration show. He leaned into his leather seat, goosebumps scurrying along his skin as he tapped on the steering wheel to pass the time. His jaw ticked at he stared at the lit bakery once more, sucking in an angered breath when another customer that wasn't his brother exited the building.

This whole arrangement was getting on San's nerves. He hadn't planned on entertaining anyone he knew tonight -- or even for the rest of his two-week stay in Haeundae at his hotel suite, wanting to just get away for a bit before he got thrust into his shitty, mundane daily schedule once again.

He'd planned on just pigging it out while watching Netflix and wrapping himself up in bed like a hermit crab without ever interacting with anyone for this entire break, only to get a call that morning from Jongho about how 'urgently' his presence was needed. A simple drive to go get breakfast quickly turned into a borderline shopping spree, and it made San regret ever heeding to the man's suggestion of having his vacation spot so close to his.

San wanted to go back to his hotel. He wanted it now.

A message bubble flew on top of his darkened phone screen.

- why have i not blocked you yet
hey, are you at your hotel rn?
i miss you

- why have i not blocked you yet
let's have some fun again, just like the other times

San felt his irritation spike into a whole new peak. Letting Seo Rihyeon into his bedroom was already a mistake in and out of itself. He'd been drunk back then, left numb and disappointed after another arranged business gathering with some guy that his father had apparently been close with. The highly sought-after model had been at the venue, and things had escalated from there.

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