002: jung wooyoung meets choi san

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« it's your eyes
can't seem to breathe
when they're staring right at me »

"You still don't believe me," is what Kim Hongjoong states, alerting Wooyoung's attention. Their gazes meet.

"No," Wooyoung pauses, swallows. "I'm just a little bit...overwhelmed?"

He's sure he doesn't make much sense because his words are just mumbles, no match for Hongjoong's which are clear and straight-to-the-point. Wooyoung wants to blame the alcohol he's consumed, but he can't blame something he willingly decided to partake in. He can't blame something he'll most likely use again.

Hongjoong's eyes crinkle as a result of his smile. They remind Wooyoung of dark lakes reflecting off the moon at midnight. "It's fine. I can kind of understand why."

In the next second, he's opening his side of the car and stepping out, a cool gush of air seeping in as soon as he does. Goosebumps form on Wooyoung's skin, and it's then he remembers he doesn't like the cold all that much.

"What're you still doing inside there?" Hongjoong asks, but it's not in a patronising way. "Come on out. Leave your bag in the car; it's safe."

Wooyoung obeys, fumbling with the door handle before exiting with far less poise and grace than Hongjoong. But the man doesn't mind, nor has he noticed, apparently, because he's already strolling towards those skyscrapers, car keys twirling about in his small, lean fingers.

Hongjoong turns to watch him, hair as blue as the night sky. Wooyoung jogs up to him, unable to meet his eyes.

It's a thing he's never been able to do; maintain eye contact, that is. Just looking into someone's eyes felt like an invasion of privacy, as if forcefully trying to unravel their deepest secrets. It fills Wooyoung with so much unease whenever he catches himself holding prolonged gazes with someone else.

"Tired already?" Kim Hongjoong questions. A man steps out of the sliding doors of Choi's Highlight and casts him a friendly greeting, which Hongjoong cheerfully returns. A part of Wooyoung wonders how greeting people can come so naturally for everyone but himself.

"No," Wooyoung says once the other man disappears. "No. Let's...go in, I guess."

Hongjoong chuckles a bit at his word choice, and then their stepping into the ground floor of the company.

Wooyoung doesn't have any expectations, yet he's still blown away by the sight that greets him. The area they're in is massive, stretching far and wide with people -- customers, workers alike -- walking, talking, shopping. Everywhere glows, shiny and spotless like gemstones, corners filled to the brim with designer clothes, shoes, accessories that all seem to dazzle as well.

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