Bread (MillyxHailey)

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Mailey oneshot requested by johnsucks143


Hailey let out a sigh of content as she brushed out the final of Milicent's knots.

"Hails, your hands are like magic."

"Tell that to the brush not me." Hailey notes, quitely flushing at the nickname.

The blue haired girl places the brush on her night stand, careful to not move too much in order to not disturb Milly who remains sitting in between her legs, gazing at the glow in the dark stars that dotted the ceiling. Popping out against the dark room.

Milly stirred slightly, "Do you have a blanket?" She sat up slowly, twisting the ends of her hair.

Hailey nods simply, putting a soft blanket over the two of them. Millicent turns to face her, beaming as her arms launch forward to embrace Hailey in a hug. Milly buried her face into the crook of Hailey's neck.

"You smell like strawberries." Milly hums.

Hailey chuckles warmly, moving a hand to run through Milly's vibrant hair. Then and there both felt completely at peace, embracing each other's warmth and admiring their features that they oh so fell for, as well as their golden personalities. Milly looks up, meeting Hailey's eyes, lifting up slightly to place a soft kiss on her cheek. The red haired girl bubbles into a soft laughter, the apple of her eye following along.

"Hey so uh." Zander walks in, holding a tray of who knows what, "Sorry but i made bread, do you guys want any?"

"Zander, it's midnight."


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