sliver of a memory (lukexzander)

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a/n : trying out second person again and you're Luke in this
requested by 7rfpqjy9w2privaterel
he's in your arms, curling up against your chest. every rise and fall of his chest in sync with yours. no words are exchanged, just a dreamy silence in which can still hold more words than any author can write. it's perfect; it always has been. a hand reaches up towards your cheek, a gold ring adorning his finger. it may have took a lot of effort to get here but the waters have calmed and the sun is out. it's kind of nostalgic you think, opening a door to reveal a path of memories that lead to the present.


the way you feel the heat arise in your cheeks as his cold hands grasps around yours, cheeks staining red as his gaze is directed away.

the way his kisses pepper your face, and the way he stares back into your golden eyes as he pulls away.

"luke, i'm in love with you." his silky voice reminds you as he runs slender hands through pale brown tufts of hair.

the way his brows furrow and his lips pull into a pout.

his lilac eyes glowing when he sneaks a glance.

he stares up at you, lashes shading eyes that hold the galaxy, he smiles. it's warm. you return a smile.


cause oh god were you in love with him.

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