golden (seanxjake)

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flower shop au
lowercase is intended
requested by adorbs16

shuffling amongst the flower covered shelves, a male with raven black hair pinned back with maroon red clips (courtesy of sadie herself) eyes a regular customer.

orange tinted slivers of sunlight peeked through tinted windows, casting soft rays onto the customer who admired a sunflower, gently inspecting petals with slender fingers. he seemed as if he was a fairy under the light, hazel eyes glowing with ears pointed slightly.

"stop swooning and help me water the plants." a monotone voice muttered, an underlying playful bite to her words.

sean flushed, "eh?" he grinned, "swooning? i'm just gathering evidence!"

"yeah, for your diary."

sadie turned on her heels, walking away slowly.

"hey don't act as if you don't have a thing going on with the barista!"

sadie retorts "it's one sided!"

sean huffs, returning to watch the customer, only to find that he was no longer there.

"erm..." a voice hums, causing sean to snap his head around.

there the peach haired customer with coral tips and slightly pointed ears stood before him. sean short circuited.

sean mumbled, voice cracking "yes?"

"i was just wondering if you had sunflower seeds."

the customer chuckled awkwardly, shoving hands into jean pockets.

"you bet!" sean hummed, "follow me."

the customer complied, a soft grin painting their features, "of course."

voice smooth as honey, sean wondered if he sang.

"so what's your name." honey rang out.


"nice name." he chirps, "i'm jake."

handing jake a pack of sunflower seeds, sean let out a sigh.

"my god you are obvious." jake snorts, pink tinting cheeks.

sean quirked a brow, "what do you mean."

he smirked, "heres my number."

jake handed sean a piece of paper, placing the sunflower seeds back into seans hand before practically waltzing out of the shop, the bell ringing as he stepped outside.

"wow and i thought i was awkward." liam quipped up from behind a shelf.

sadie noted "he didn't buy the seeds."

"he was cute, grabbed a good one."

"lia you're talking about him as if he's candy." scoffed luke.

a muffled snicker erupted from elliot who held a bouquet of red roses in his hand.


a/n : pssst, this oneshot takes place in the same au as 'on the house', 'painted cats (literally)' and a dadie fanart i made. there'll be more installments in the future so look out for them !! :))

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