oui oui (jakexzander)

752 17 19

au in which you can hear whatever music your soulmate is listening to.

Requested by the-UWU-shiper

Zander sighs in content as he slips under his bed sheets, eyes fluttering shut. Until he hears it. That one song from ratatouille except it's an awful rendition of it, sounding like a mosquito in some bits and it can only mean one thing.
In theory Zander would send his soulmate a message to stop but he's too petty for that. Instead he grabs for his phone, plugging in his earphones. He hits play on a video titled peppa pig intro 10 hours

Jake chuckles lightly as the familiar tune rings in his head. It is on. Jake smirks to himself at his master genius plan cause he laughs at his own jokes. Hitting play on potato knishes
He rolls onto his back, gazing at the ceiling the cursed tune of potato knishes ringing in his ears. And then a happy guitar solo rings in his ears.
It fades out.
kurapika is drowning in an indescribable emptiness.
It picks up once again.

Zander hums in satisfaction, clicking on big and chunky, letting it play on loop for the entire night.


Jake smiles slyly as he leaned towards Zander who was inspecting his keyboard with a scowl.

"Sleep well?" He teases.

Zander scoffs "I'd ask you the same question."

"Amazing, it was like music was playing in my ears all night. Real soothing." Jake blinks innocently.

"I hate you."

The blond haired male pressed a kiss to Zander's cheek, "Love ya too."

I wrote this last night and forgot to post it lol

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