Painting of a heart (HenryxLiam)

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Painting of a heart

Henriam oneshot


Liam's lip trembled as he leaned against the brick wall, scratching his elbow in the process. The green haired boy who stood beside him pouted slightly, "You okay?"
He smiled weakly in response, "Yeah."
"I'm not lying." Liam groaned, running a hand through his hair.
"Yes you are."
"No, I'm not."
Henry bubbled into an awkward chuckle, "You're a terrible liar."
"And you're terrible at getting a girl." Liam snapped back.
"Seriously, what's wrong?" Henry asked, not stopping until he received a genuine response.
"I said I'm fine!" Snarled Liam, bitterness residing in his tone.
Henry hesitantly reached out a hand,"You can tell me the truth-"
Liam slapped Henry's arm away before shooting Henry a glare,"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT FINE MEANS, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE."

The green haired boy swallowed the sudden lump in his throat as he scratched the back of his neck, a swirl of water appeared in his chocolate eyes before dripping down his cheeks. No words were spoken between the two. Just an agonizing silence of tears dropping onto the pavement, temporarily staining it just like paint.
Henry raspily murmured, "I'm sorry." Henry smiled pitifully as Liam returned with a look of confusion and disgust.
"I don't need your stupid apology." Spat Liam bitterly as the floor began to sway under his feet.
And then the whole world began to cave in as Liam's leg's gave way resulting in a messy blur of tragedy and colours.


A strong feeling of dread surged through his body as his eyes fluttered open, only to be met with a blinding light.
"What's it this time." A sarcastic voice sighed.
He turned over onto my side, ignoring the pain shooting up his body, "I don't know-"
"Oh hi Annabeth." I greeted her.
"God when you say I sound like a grandma, just call me Anna."
"Alright.." Liam grumbled.
"Now, tell me what's up."
"Well I fainted."
Anna looked unamused, "I know that, why did you faint?"
"I'm not sure." Replies Liam.
Anna's eyes inspect Liam, looking for anything strange.
She notes, "Overworking yourself I see."
"What have you been painting this time?" She questioned.
Liam seemed hesitant,"A star."
"Odd but you do you I guess."
He shifted in the crisp linen sheets, trying to find himself in a comfortable position, at least anything that would help the feeling of guilt overflowing throughout his mind.

Anna took a bite of a donut before motioning to Liam if he wanted any.
"I thought you were on a diet." Liam asked as he nodded while Anna handed him a donut.
"Don't let any crumbs fall down and no one ever actually keeps up diets for long periods of time." She paused, "People who actually do are machines."
"Fair point." Smiled Liam a bit more cheerily than the ghost of grin that previously painted his face.
"Now, don't overwork yourself or I will personally knock you out in order for you to gain sleep. Your heart issues are already bad enough." Anna furrowed her brows as she adjusted the rounded glasses that fell off the bridge of her nose slightly.
Liam grumbled under his breath,"I'll try and I'm almost done with the painting anyways."
"Mhm, you better."


Henry layed in bed, tossing and turning as thoughts raced through his mind, picking and pulling at even the slightest mistakes. There was one memory that was permanently set to repeat; the look of pure disgust engraved in Liam's eyes as he slapped his hand away, not even turning back to face Henry's tear stained face.
He released a shaky breath, he sat upright and fumbled with the sheets in order to get out of bed. The green haired boy picked up his phone, texting a familiar contact as he sighed, though he was reluctant he knew that he needed to apologize.

'I'm sorry for prying' sent

read at 3:47 am


Liam's eyelids felt heavy as the paintbrush danced around the canvas, spreading a variety of greens throughout the canvas. His grip was fairly shaky but it didn't break his determination to finish the painting. It wasn't exactly the kind of star you'd expect. Rather, his own star, a light in his life that never faltered, shining brighter than most. And yet, the star seemed to dim more, slowly losing the ethereal light that radiated off them and it was all his fault. Liam had always been exceptionally self aware, realising his every single mistake and slip of the tongue. The familiar buzz of his phone alerted him out of his trance but the words that were sent weren't exactly pleasant. At least in his eyes it wasn't pleasant. It only left him with an even heavier weight weighing down his shoulders. But he couldn't muster the courage to respond to the bittersweet words and continued to gently paint the star with wistful streaks.


As days went by, the rift between the two boys only grew wider.


A few weeks have passed since the fight and the rift remained the same. Henry slipped a letter into Liam's locker before making his way to class. Liam dashed down the hall before sliding into his locker and groaning in pain,"Ouch!"
Liam held his nose as he punched in the code for the locker, eyes falling upon a beige letter. He proceeded to open the letter, expecting it to be a love letter but it wasn't exactly a love letter it wasn't the typical love letter. It was an apologetic love letter, every word hand coated with sorrow and guilt. The low vibration of a phone caused Liam to flinch slightly as he reached into his pocket in order to answer.
"Wait really?!"
"Yeah I'll head to the gate in a minute!" Liam beamed, pocketing his phone.
He proceeded to sprint out to the gate, dodging students wandering the halls and taking sharp turns at corners to find himself inside his parents car.


The doctor clicked her pen, "I'm sure you're aware of the risks of a heart transplant."
"Yes." His parents responded.
The doctor smiled kindly, "Well, I'll need you to follow me Liam."
"Wait, can you give Henry the letter along with the gift if I don't make it." Notes Liam, despair drenching his voice.
My mother replied sadly, "Of course but i'll know you'll make it.


As Liam laid in the hospital bed, awaiting the surgeons arrival. The contents of Henry's letter were engraved in his mind.

Dear Liam,

I'm sorry I pried. I should've helped, not forcing information out of you. I don't expect forgiveness or pity. In fact I don't even deserve any. I've been a terrible friend to you. But in all honesty I don't want to be friends anymore. More than that actually. See I like you. A lot, to the point of love actually.I hated seeing you down, you should always look up! After all that's where the most beautiful things reside. I don't expect a reply but I need to lift the weight off my chest. You've always been the sun to me, brightening my days, no matter what and I admire that about you!

-sincerely Henry


And Henry was indeed right for he never received a reply. For Liam had passed during surgery.

~ (pov switch)

I opened my door only to be greeted by the blue sky, birds chirping their usual song, groups of children playing their own little games and a package?....
"Odd, I rarely receive packages."
I pick up the fairly large package, inspecting it curiously. 'Henry' was scribbled onto the tan wrapping paper and I merely assumed it was mine and brought it upstairs into my room. I carefully peeled away the tan wrapping but what hid under the armor broke me into tears. It was undeniably a portrait of me, chocolate eyes, green hair, the grin it almost seemed angelic. The shaky handwriting in the corner was indeed Liam's but what was written broke my oh so fragile heart strings.

'my star'

I wiped away glossy tears that spilt like a waterfall as I clutched a memory of Liam. It was a letter, each word carefully written, despair hiding in the smooth yet shaky cursive writing.

Dear Henry,

I should be the one apologizing, I've been an idiot. I'm sorry. I actually do feel the same way. I really do love you, I love you dearly. You're my flashlight in the dark. I wish I would've lived but it's just life and like you said, beautiful things reside in the sky. But I wouldn't call myself beautiful, actually quite far from that. I have one final wish is for you to love someone. Maybe start a family and maybe then we can meet again.

-Best regards, Liam


Whoops my finger slipped and I killed off Liam

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