Shopping Carts (Sean x Reader)

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Shopping Carts

"Sean where are you going!" You called out to Sean who was pushing the shopping cart that you were sitting in.
"Just you wait Y/N!" Sean responds with a wide grin as the wind whipped through your hair.
Sean was pushing a shopping cart through the target parking lot, with one of the widest grins and you couldn't help but blush at the wide grin that was plastered on Sean's face.
"Sean it's 3am I just wanted snacks!" You whined in a playful tone, the wind causing your hair to fly out at all different angles.
"I'm about to change your life." Sean smirks and you just let a tender laugh escape your lips.
Soon Sean was pushing you along a sidewalk, the city lights illuminating your features as the whole world seemed to fade away into a perfect dream. You could hear the soft hum of music coming by from nearby cars, yet the road seemed so empty.
"Sean how long till we're there?" You sighed, still unsure of where he's taking you.
"Y/N you'll see!" Sean hummed in reply.
"Just close your eyes for a bit." He added and you complied, only to be followed by a dreamy silence.
The shopping cart had reached a stop and the fresh smell of the seaside filled your nose.
"Hey are we here?" You questioned Sean, curiosity flooding your mind.
"Yep, open your eyes now." Sean spoke up softly.
Your eyes were open to reveal the starry sky that was dotted with stars and your eyes landed on the shore of a beach under the pale moonlight.
You quickly got out of the shopping cart, stumbling a bit in the process.
"Sean-" You gasped, you haven't been to the beach in a while but you were cut off by Sean scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around.
The stars in the night sky appeared into Sean's eyes as you two locked eye contact with soft smiles.
"You have really pretty eyes you know." Chuckled Sean softly.
"I could say the same for you." You smiled in response.
"Hey you believe in magic?" Sean mentioned.
"Why ask? have you been reading so many fantasy novels?" You asked.
"Just answer." Sean smirks.
You merely shook your head in response, still unsure if that answer was true or not.

"Well I think this thing between the two of us is pretty magical."

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