Strawberry Punch (Lia x Henry)

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I can hear them, each snide comment, every muffled chuckle, I can't hear the music that once echoed throughout the halls. Only the deafening silence of eyes judging my every move. Their glares that resemble a snake's as it slithers under the moonlight reflect off the oozing pools of punch that were scattered across the smooth wood floors, it feels sour. The once sweet taste that resided in the drink faded into a bitter poison that stings the soul and rots the heart strings.

And I ended up here. Hunched up on a sidewalk, ruined suit, a mysterious sugary concoction coating green strands of hair, tired eyes and a bitter attitude.

"I don't think swimming in punch and sorrow is a wise thing to do."

She smirks, taking a seat beside me, "God Henry, you look miserable."
"Like you look any better." I snap, shooting her a glare.
"Dumped as well huh." She snickers, letting straight black hair down.
My eyes land on the black mascara travelling down her face, "Yep. You too?"
"Hah, you bet."
"You're awfully happy after getting dumped Lia." I quirk a brow.
Lia twirls a strand of hair with her fingers, "My date sucked anyways." She pauses, "I see your date dumped punch all over you."
"No need to remind me."
She seems to smile to herself softly before speaking up, "Let's get out of here."
Before I'm able to utter a single word she grabs my wrist and starts dashing, despite being in heels and a dress she's pretty agile. Her hair whips in every direction as she intently sprints to an unknown location, dragging me behind. Eventually Lia reaches an abrupt stop, causing me to fall face first into the pavement.
"Ow..." I look up, not exactly bothering to stand up.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
I get up groggily to examine the view, "Huh, it really is."
Stars litter the deep shades of the night sky, towering trees surround the secluded area, Lia sits upon a wooden log, her hair gently blowing amidst the wind, the wind playfully brushes against the blooming grass as the low breaths of wind whisper dreams into our ears.
It's perfect.

I take a seat beside the jet black haired girl, "Sure it's beautiful but not as pretty as you." I wink.
Lia grins sheepishly, not her usual response but I take it.
"You know....." She dawdles.
"You're much better than my date."
Her strawberry warm lips meet mine, it's unsteady yet soft, she means it, like she's been longing for this moment. Yet I'm frozen in place as she pulls away. Lia bubbles into a tender laughter as she notices my shocked expression.



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