Case file #10.5 (DrewxZander)

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Drander oneshot requested by GachaPenguin

Case file : #10.5
Name : Alexander Wickham feelings
occupation : Pianist
Age : 28
criminal background : -
Cause of death : Drew

Zander groaned, pressing a pencil into his beloved's cheek.

"You look hideous." His eyes narrowed.

Drew knitted his brows, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips, "Zander I have loads of work."

"What kind of work?"

"You know. Lawyer stuff."

Zander's face scrunched up, "Very specific." His expression softened, like freshly ironed clothes; soft and warm, "you've been overworking yourself. Let's tell each other our Christmas list or something."

He gently ran a hair through Drew's deep pink locks, Drew smelt of cinnamon on top of a freshly brewed cup of hot chocolate enjoyed in front of the low crackle of a fire.

His light scowl melted, brown eyes meeting his, "Alright, just give me a second."

Zander beamed as Drew shuffled through a drawer, looking strangely determined.

"So who's going first?" Zander raised the question.

"Me." Drew replied with no hesitation.

"Oh cool. What's at the top of your Christmas list?"

Drew turned back to face Zander, clutching something strange. He placed his spare hand onto Alexander's cheek, smiling tenderly. He opened the box in his hands.

"Your hand in marriage."

Zander blinked.

Then it hit him and to say Zander short circuited is an understatement. Zander flushed as words clogged up his throat.

Drew repeated himself, "Alexander Wickham. Will you marry me?"

Zander delivered a light blow to the back of Drews head.

"Take a wild guess."

"No?" Drew's tone was hesitant.

Zander scowled, "It's yes you idiot." He wrapped his hands around the other male, appreciating the familiar scent.


Case file : #10.5
Name : Alexander Wickham's last name
occupation : Pianist
Age : 28
criminal background : -
Cause of death : Drew

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