on the house (henryxliam)

640 22 24

requested by LazyLizzyAngelica

liam choked on air.

he wished he was joking.

the waiter raised a brow, setting down a cup of iced coffee.

"heY." liam's voice squeaked.

an awkward grin plastered on his face while he stared at the waiter. he sporting a mess of green hair, mysterious eyes and a short figure. he was oddly cute, liam noted mentally. a name tag pinned to a beige apron read the name "henry". cute.

henry blinked, "i think i'll get going." his voice dragging out as he walked away slowly.


"huh." henry said as he turned around more dramatically than a girl in a soap opera.

henry looked ethereal, golden sun that poured through the wide windows rested on his cheeks. eyes glowing with curiosity as liam fumbled for words.

"i should really go and serve other customers."

liam huffed under his breath "stupid waiter with his stupid god like appearance."

leaning back into the chair, he took a sip of the drink, it was refreshing and tasted better than it usually did.
stupid waiter with his stupid magic.

"speak of the devil."

"you were talking about me?" henry questioned, placing down a croissant.

"i didn't order this." liam said, handing it back, "and it was more of a thought."

"on the house." he smirks, "well i should go, this is the end of my shift."

liam nodded sheepishly, flaky croissant stuffed in his mouth as henry walked away. his gaze wavered down to a piece of paper.

hey, you look kinda dumb when you're flustered. other than that you're cute.


call me dork !!

at least liam actually choked on food this time.


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