Vernorexia (sean x reader)

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(n.) a romantic mood inspired by spring
Requested by flextapeio

"(Y/N) come on! You'll want to join as soon as you see them! They don't bite!" Sean pauses, "Most of the time at least."
(Y/N) sighs, "Fine fine, i'll check it out. But only check it out."
"You won't regret it!" Beams Sean, embracing (Y/N) in a hug, (Y/N)'s hands running through his jet black locks, appreciating the gentle smell of the conditioner lingering in his midnight hair. The two eventually broke away from each other's warm embrace.
"Well then let's get going!"
Sean grips onto (Y/N)'s hand, dashing through the hallway and eventually reaching the music club, "I've got someone who's auditioning!"

"Come on in then!"

A pink haired girl opens the door, her eyes a crimson red that matched her short spunky hair. Another girl but with vibrant blue hair that fell back into a ponytail. A boy with purple hair and another with peach tips were bickering over who knows what and a boy with brunette hair was admiring a drum kit.
The blue haired girl is the first to greet us, "Hello and welcome to the music club! What instrument do you play or are you a singer?"
Sean wraps a shoulder around their shoulder, practically beaming,"(Y/N) here plays bass."


"It's been a month since I got accepted into the club, I didn't exactly plan on joining but it sort of just happened and I went with it. And I suppose I don't exactly regret it. Except for the fact I've found myself noticing every single little detail about Sean, down to the way his eyes light up at the sound of music, the way he smiles to himself while he takes a bite of a croissant, something he'd always be down to sell his soul for. Some would call it an obsession but I call it more of an observation. I mean....
He's just a friend. Right?"

"Wow. You've fallen in deep."

~(pov switch)~

I pull at the dry skin at my lips, eyes wandering the slivers of sunlight that pour through the slits of the navy curtains. I let out a sigh as I adjust the sheets that reside on top of me as I contemplate to myself. Just me and my thoughts, while I find myself in a conflict between me and I. A feeling of being torn in love by two spectacular people. I've always been drawn to the white haired wonder, yet (Y/N) seems to have caught me in their grasp, it's not an uncomfortable one, rather a feeling of pure bliss as I fall into the hellscape of love. My gaze falls upon the familiar pictures from my child with (Y/N) that adorn my walls. I smile warmly tenderly to myself. Good times.

~(third person)~

"(Y/N)........." Milly groans, clutching the basket tightly all while trying to adjust a flower crown.
"It's time."
"Yeah yeah I know." Mutters (Y/N), eyeing Millicents flower crown.
(Y/N) smirks, "Flower boy huh."
Milly proceeds to turn an alarming shade of red, "EH, WHERE'D YOU GET THAT. HAHA..."
"Mhm, whatever you say."
The pink haired devil places down the picnic basket, setting out a blanket and an assortment of treats and savory delights, "I've got to bolt. Good luck to you!"
Milly waves, twirling around once before sliding down the hill in style.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) snaps their head around to meet Sean who dashes up the hill, tackling (Y/N), letting both bubble into a soft laughter, "So why'd you ask me to be here?"
"I wanted to have a somewhat romantic confession." (Y/N) pauses, "So Sean, this is it, I like you. I like you a lot."
(Y/N) pulls at the collar of their shirt (E/C) eyes wavering as they inspect Sean's frozen reaction.
Sean directs his gaze to a tree, stifling a laugh, "This feels so cliche."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Mainly due to the fact I return those feelings and we're childhood friends." Chuckles Sean, reverting his gaze back to (Y/N).
(Y/N) sighs, "Wait wha-"
"Can I kiss you?" Sean cuts them off.
"uHM suRE."

Both lips meet as they both fall under a trance, being overcome by the feeling of warm lips pressed against each other and the prickly sensation of the grass being gently brushed by the wind in playful puffs. It was paradise during spring that would last longer in their memories than the Polaroids hung upon their walls.


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