Lilac Letters (DaisyxHailey)

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Lilac Letters

A Haisy oneshot requested by AwkwardWritingPotato

Hailey and Daisy walked through the mall, eyes landing on shops, both keen on finding a dress shop for the upcoming dance.
"Hey, how about here?" Hailey spoke up, pointing to a petite little dress shop.
"Sure!" Responded Daisy in her usual cheery tone.
The two walked into the store, the cashier giving them a smile, which had hints of playfulness.
"Hello and welcome to Echo Styles! How may I help you today?" The cashier piped up.
She had straight hazel brown hair that was tied into a ponytail , her eyes mirrored honey, she wore a baggy maroon hoodie that like a pillow had engulfed her body.
"Oh we're just browsing for dresses." Daisy replied.
"Well, i'm here if you need anything." She chuckled lightly, seemingly shooting Hailey a wink.
This gesture left Daisy slightly confused.
"Must be some indirect flirting..." Daisy thought to herself, her gaze falling onto a simple black dress.
"Hailey, this would look cute on you." Noted Daisy as she grabbed Hailey's hand to lead her to the black dress.
It was a flowy black dress that ended just above the knees, it was off the shoulders, gold accents on the ends and sleeves in addition to this it came with a matching black choker.
"You should try it on." Daisy remarked, handing Hailey a dress, Daisy had always  known Hailey's size.
"Alright." Hailey chuckled lightly, a red tint lightly dusting her cheeks as she made her way into a changing room.

"You look great!"



Hailey did a little twirl in the dress, at this point Daisy was practically beaming.
"That one would look nice on you." Added Hailey, pointing to a dress.
"But first I need to change back." Hailey mentioned as she entered the dress room again.


It was a white dress, blue lacing the tips, a braided belt wrapped around the waist, shoulders cut out, ending just past the knees.
"See told ya it would look nice on you." Hailey tied her hair into a messy bun.
"I suppose, nothing else in here has caught my eye. I think i'll get this." Daisy said before walking back into the dressing room to change again.


"I'll wait outside for you." Hailey informed Daisy as she made her way outside the shop.
"This letter is from Hailey to you. I recommend reading it." The cashier inquired, handing Daisy a lilac letter along with the bag of clothes.
Daisy paid before carefully opening the letter and her cheeks heated up into a shade of crimson red.

Dear Daisy,

How do I say this...
Well! You're an awesome person who's adorable. You have a great personality and did I mention you're adorable? You're such a great dancer as well! I love those icy blue eyes of yours. What i'm trying to say is..

Will you be my date to the dance?


Daisy bolted out of the shop, tackling Hailey, her hands wrapping around the blue haired girl's waist.
"Yes! Yes! I will be your date to the dance!" Daisy beamed.
"That's nice to hear." Hailey chuckled.

"Can I kiss you?"

"I don't see why not."

A/N - Consent is hoT
And any ships for angst?

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