Apple Pie (Zander x ?)

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🌿_~apple pie~_🌿

Zander was greeted by the soft scent of apple pie as he opened the door. A small dog ran up to Zander with a small toy in its mouth.
"What're you cooking?" Zander called out as he took off his shoes.
"Come and see!" The voice answered back.
"I didn't forget about you Honey." Zander added as he leaned down to give the dog pets.
Zander walked into the kitchen and draped his hands over the figure's shoulders.
"Hm, apple pie?" Zander questioned.
"You bet!" They replied.
Zander placed a small kiss on their cheek.
"You always make the best apple pie." Zander mentioned as he walked to the fridge and got some water.
Zander sat down on the couch with Honey sitting right beside him. They handed Zander a slice of apple pie.
"Careful it's hot." They added.
They took a seat right next to Zander on the couch.
"You know I never listen to you right?" Zander said playfully as he took a bite of the apple pie.
"You got that right." He scoffed.
"You really do make the best apple pie Jake." Zander spoke as he happily ate his apple pie.
"I know." Jake responded smugly.

🌿_~apple pie~_🌿

I made this at 1am lol-

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