Campus (JakexZander)

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A college Jander au oneshot


I wake up, shoulder's cold as the sun cascading down the walls stings my eyes. I let
out a groan as I sluggishly pick up a clean shirt draped over a chair, slipping it on over my shoulders, eyeing a clock. Better leave soon, I guess I'll just eat breakfast another time. The soft smell of coffee and students dying inside greets me as I exit the door into the dorm hall. As I trudge towards my lecture hall my gaze lands on a purple haired male. His deep purple hair faded into a paler purple, thick lashes shade gentle lavender eyes, a blank expression resides on his face as slender fingers clutch a cup of coffee. The familiar man wore a baggy white and black striped sweater and denim jeans. The agonizing feeling of butterflies swarming my chest erupts, so I better digest those annoying bugs before I turn into an ever bigger mess. It felt like those stupid middle school crushes all over again. My heart flutters in my chest as I rush behind a wall, hiding my red flushed cheeks.
"Just great." I hiss through gritted teeth, running a hand through my coral tipped hair.
I slouch down, burying by burning cheeks into the cup of my hands.
"I never wanted to see you again..."
At least that was what I told myself. I fumble my phone out of my pocket, checking the time. Curiously, I peak back to see if the familiar purple-head is still there and fortunately he was no longer to be seen. Face glues to the ground, I slip into the lecture hall, finding a seat and to my demise there he is. It's undeniably Alexander, my highschool crush. That purple hair that fell into waves is iconic. How I hope he doesn't turn around to meet my blushing mess of a face.

As the afternoon rolled around I walk back to my dorm, dropping the bags beside the doorway, quickly locking the door and laying on my balcony. The sky remains a gentle blue, not a single cloud in sight. I let out a sigh of relief as I sit up, peering over the railing. What is with me and my luck? There he is in all his glory, sitting on the stone and grass, thinking about who knows what. Maybe I can just slide out and get a drink from the vending machine without being noticed. Genius, he's way too lost in thought anyways. I slowly but surely exit the dorm, tip toeing towards the vending machine.
"Sneaking around and avoiding me huh."
Wait a minute.
I turn around to be met with a glare.
"Uhm hi." I greet awkwardly, with finger guns for flair.
Zander furrows his brows, "You're a lost cause." Despite being shorter than me he ruffles my hair.
I chuckle sheepishly, "Been a while huh?"
"You don't look half bad." Zander notes.
My cheeks flush a bright red, "I'm sorry?"
"Woah. Not the smooth one anymore." Snorts Zander.
"I'll have you know I'm very smooth." I raise my chin, "Smoother than skippy peanut butter."
He rolls his eyes, "Yeah right." He pauses for a moment, "Say, why don't we meet up for a coffee. You know, just to catch up."
I reply, "Sure."
Zander digs through his pocket and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper, "Here's my number."
"Oh thanks."

"I guess it's a date then. See ya at 10 tomorrow!" I call out, dashing away.



Just a lil stress reliever oneshot based on the song campus by vampire weekend
I'll work on the the request's when my schedule clears up a bit more ^^

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