"Rebel" (LukexSadie)

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Sadie dashed through the alleyways and crowded market square, shrouded by a deep purple cloak. With cold purple eyes, peeking out from underneath.
"Hey!" A voice called out, gaining her attention.
"You! Get over here!" The voice scolded.
Crap. She had been caught. Sadie's grip tightened around the necklace in which an emerald that was wrapped in a small silver snake hung from a gold chain. She bit into her lip, she really needed to stop this habit of hers. In a panic she started bolting for it, her grip only growing tighter around the stolen necklace. Leaping over barrels full of apples, knocking down a few along the way, she spotted a familiar honey eyed figure in the distance. Sadie shot the figure a mischievous smirk before continuing on her escape, she even spotted him smirking back out of the corner of her eyes.
"Sorry!" She apologized to the jewelry seller playfully before jumping into a building, making the salesman lose her tail.
The salesman huffed in a fit of rage as the girl with midnight locks disappeared out of his sight.
"Wow, that was close." Sadie sighed as she made her way into another alleyway and under a tan tarp that hung from a window.
"I'm back!" She chimed in, still holding the necklace tightly.
"Hey Sadie."
"Hm oh! How'd you end up here? I just saw you in the market square, being surrounded by girls." Sadie deadpanned, delivering the last words in a bitter tone.
"I have my ways."
"God, I wonder how I fell in love with you Luke." Sadie groans, earning a tender smile from Luke.
Luke chuckled softly, as he got up to plant a soft kiss on Sadie's cheek, Sadie blushing slightly in response.
A small scream followed by sudden footsteps.
"LUKE!" A girl gasped.
Shoot. His relationship with Sadie has always been a secret and illegal as well, after all Sadie was in charge of a team of rebels who planned to overthrow the royal kingdom.
"Why are you with this tramp!" The girl screeched, planting her feet into the ground.
More footsteps arrived. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. It was the royal guards.
"Luke just kissed this tramp! I demand her to be executed!" The girl ordered, her brows furrowed, her eyes shooting daggers towards Luke.
The guards complied to the girl's screechy orders, gripping Sadie's arms tightly. She bit her lip once again, this time a drop of blood dripping down her chin.
"Luke! What did she do to you! Don't you know she wants to destroy your family!" The girl cut off Luke in a whiny tone.
Sadie gave Luke a distressed expression, the blood now traveling down her neck.

~ ~

It was finally execution day, he dreaded this day, even more than his own birthday. His hair was a mess and his normally shining golden eyes were dull and tired.
"Luke, it's time." His mother called out to him, as she walked into his room and linked arms with him.
Luke nodded meekly, trying to hide back tears that bloomed in his eyes.
"How lovely! This girl who ran that dreaded rebellion is finally going to die!" His mother chimed up happily, leading Luke to the yard where Sadie would be executed.
Luke's eyes met Sadie's which were overflowed with sorrow. She was sentenced to be beheaded by a guillotine.
"Now let us enjoy the rightful execution of this rebel!" Luke's father spoke up, a grin plastered on his face.
Luke frowned, tears eventually falling out at the sight of his lovers head falling to the grounds, cold and lifeless.
Luke started sobbing uncontrollably, earning a glare from his mother.
"You tyrant!" Luke spat, poison lacing his words.
"Luke, what is the meaning of this!" His father scowled.
"I loved her! Have you ever sat down to think about why the rebellion was formed! Cause you run this bloody kingdom like tyrants and you only ever think about yourself!" Luke hissed, delivering his words with even more poison than the last.
This was it, the final thing that broke the glass, the glass had broken, letting words or poison drip down it's pointed edges.
"I hope you're happy." Luke muttered, shooting one final glare before running off, leaving stunned parents and citizens.

A/N basically the au is Sadie wants to overthrow Luke's kingdom and Luke works with her and yuh they fall in love then they get got caught and Sadie dies-

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