butterscotch (jakexzander)

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zander x jake drabble


Zander sat beside Jake, head leaning against a shoulder, lashes covering pale eyes. Patterns of sunlight shining through rustling leaves from the tree above danced along his face, lighting soft features with each gentle rise and fall of soft breaths.

Zander was butterscotch.
Jake was the warmth.

Cold to the touch. Yet with enough warmth it'll eventually soften into sweetness. Although this butterscotch wasn't of the highest quality, it was alright. The sweetness was still there and that's all that mattered to him.

A light shuffle broke Jake out of his trance, warm eyes meeting butterscotch who wore a tender smile as a hand reached out to hold the other's, almost melting with the touch.

They were both content under the oak tree, hidden by the sharp glares of the sun, wind dancing slowly around the two but most importantly they had each other.


a/n - hm jander crumbs, what a rare sight

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