Nostalgia (LukexZander)

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The two laid in the crisp sheets of Zander's bed, being engulfed in a shield, hiding them from the hell called reality, soft fingers intertwined and headphones plugged into a phone with a soft hum of music emitting from it and a single bud placed in each of their ears. A warm glow peeked through the curtains, illuminating everything that it touched. Eyes shut close, Luke said something softly under his breath before turning onto his side and opening to face the boy with midnight black locks that faded into a deep purple. Luke smiled to himself in content as a pang of nostalgia ran through his body.
"Luke, i'll miss you." Zander spoke up, breaking the dreamy silence that once flooded the room.
"Classic Zander, ruining the vibe again I see." Luke chuckled playfully.
"It's true though!" Zander said in an over dramatic and accusing tone.
Luke practically beamed before laying onto his back, his eyes meeting the ceiling with a few tufts of hair falling in front of his golden eyes which resembled pools of oozing honey in the sunset.
"It's kind of bittersweet huh?" Luke mentioned as his eyes shut with fluttering lashes.
"What do you mean?" Zander questioned the honey eyes boy.
"Nostalgia, it's one of the best and worst feelings in the whole world." Sighed Luke as he could Zander's gaze fall upon him.
"We can still text, it's not like i'm dying." Zander retorted in a mocking manner.
"Yeah but it's not the same." Luke whined, dragging out his words as he ran his free hand through his hair.
"I suppose." Zander groaned.
Zander got up, his hand being released from Luke's fingers and Luke merely followed Zander's actions.
"What are you doing?" Asked Luke curiously.
Zander grabbed Luke's once again and brought Luke closer to him and gazed into his gorgeous golden honey eyes. Luke brushed his hand against Zander's cheek with a soft smile before meeting Zander's pale purple eyes that resembled a field of freshy bloomed lavender. Both of them seemingly in a trance, their lips touched, Luke's lips were warm and soft while Zander's lips were cold but it was a soothing type of cold. The two entranced lovers broke away, still gazing into each others eyes that were full of stars and could light up even the darkests rooms.

"I love you Luke."

"I love you too."

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