painted cats, literally(zander x elliot)

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requested by copycat85
lowercase is intended


"did you paint the cat?" elliot interrogates through squinted eyes.

a voice chuckles from behind a paint splattered curtain "we have a cat?..."

"zander. what happened to honey?"

"you know it's going to get confusing when we start calling each other honey."

elliot retorts, "honey is better than you, she'll be the only honey in this house."

zander snickers behind the curtain, carefully stepping out of it to reveal a mess of wavy purple hair tied into a ponytail with bangs pinned up by hairpins adorned with flowers. he wore a beige apron littered with a variety of paint splotches, holding a fresh paintbrush with green paint on the tip.

"i'm hurt."

"now what happened to the cat?"

"as if i know!" zander defends, "she might've stepped on another oil piece in the works."

"and what is said oil piece." the pink haired male quirks a brow, walking towards zander to place a peck onto his forehead, honey still in his hands.

"i do suppose it isn't that early." zander hums against the touch, gently taking the other's free hand.

elliot stayed silent as zander led him inside of the art studio. plants lingered on shelves and corners, windows tinted with warm hues, allowing the sun to pour golden rays, it was comforting even if he rarely set foot in there. his gaze gets directed back to zander who's mess of purple hair stood out amongst the warmth.

"so uh." zander points towards a painting, "it was meant to be an anniversary gift but as you see, honey got to it first."

hazel eyes, pink hair, round glasses.....



elliot flushed, eyeing the portrait with white paw prints scattered on it.

"it makes it feel more homely you know."

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