fragments of porcelain (daisyxelliot)

507 3 2

implied death
wooo another go at second person
lowercase is intended

soft words of encouragement, lightly freckled skin, warmth that bloomed in each kiss, cotton lashes shading deep hazelnut eyes.

he had never liked his eyes but you adored the way they look when the sun hits them just right ,resembling pools of honey and gold.

dirt always dusted boots that remained by the door, reminiscent of the way he would stand amongst flower bushes, caring for each one with a gentle touch that would put a butterfly to shame.

you loved the way he would ramble, fumbling with glasses against red flushed cheeks as he realized he had been ranting once again, apologizing profusely.

you'd promised to stay together.

yet here you are.
white hair pressed flat from the rain, resting flowers against dirt and stone.

a broken flower pot can never be truly fixed, rather it can be repurposed into something new. something to hold soil and blossoming life, even with porcelain that once shattered into fragments.


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