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Everyone has past, whether it's good or bad. Let's start of with what I'm talking about okay. So there was this girl back in the dark ages and her name was Zarina. She was a witch. No one knew what she was, but they knew something was off about her. They kept their distnace from her. But there were these three girls, Emma, Ruby, Kacey. Emma was top class she was teh popular chick. Long brown chocolate hair, boys chasing after her. Ruby and Kacey were her best mates again with such beauty within them. Although they liked to pick on people who weren't like them such as Zarina.

Now you see Zarina wasn't very good at keeping her powers under control. They always got out of hand. She was able to control them long enough for school but when she got home they went mental. One day they were really out of control she couldn't hold them in, plus with all the horrible things people say to her at school and what they do doesn't help her keep them in. She got them under control for school and headed for that direction. She entered and thats when chaos hit. Emma, Ruby and Kacey appeared in front of her. She tried getting past and they let her but as she walked on they tripped her up and she fell to the ground and banged her head on the hard concrete floor. Everyone in the playground started laughing and headed inside as the bell went for class.

Class wasn't too great either, she didn't know where to sit everyone put their bags on each chair for they didn't want to sit next to her. So she headed to the back of the class and had a table to herself. Guess what the lesson was that they were going to learn......It was witches, not the greatest subject for her in each case. "Hey this is the perfect lesson for you Zarina, your a witch aren't you!" Emma shouted across to the back of the room. The teacher of course didn't laugh but only said "Now now we know that there is no such thing as witches," but after that moment they carried on tormenting her. Zarina's head was spinning she couldn't hold it in any longer so she let it go.......

Zarina created a huge whirl wind, while everyone else started screaming and trying to find a way out. All the doors were locked, everyone was trapped inside. They all though they were going to die but instead the whirl wind disappeared, so was Zarina. Word got around about Zarina so they hunted her down to kill her. Zarina ran and ran so they couldn't find her. But one day they found her and took her in front of the whole village and tied her to a stake. Before they lit the wood she noticed the three girls who bullied her and she cried out "THIS IS NOT THE END I WILL GET MY REVENGE. EMMA, RUBY, KACEY I CURSE YOU FOR ALL ENTERNITY WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO COME. THERE IS NO WAY TOO BREAK IT......" but then Emma and her friends shouted "NO WERE SORRY WE TRULY ARE!" but Zarina didn't listen "FINE IT CAN BE BROKEN, BUT ONLY BY TRUE FRIENDSHIP SOMETHING YOU NEVER GAVE ME. AND TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS YOU FAMILY WILL PROBABLY NEVER HAVE FRIENDS BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU WILL BECOME!" and she was burned to a crisp. After this moment she was gone, everyone was concered about what was going to happen to Emma, Ruby and Kacey....

The next moring the curse hit them. Kacey woke up her went over to her window. She went to open the curtain but once a single drop of sunlight came through it burnt her skin. She quickly shut her curtain and sat back onto her bed. She couldn't go out into the sunlight. It got to the night and she went to meet her friends she started to tell them what happned in the moring plsu if anything had happened to them. They shook their heads but then suddenly Ruby started to fall to the ground and hold her heart. They looked at her and started to move back her back started to crack and her eyes turned a light yellow colour and she started to get fur over her body. She started to turn into a wolf. A Werewolf. Then a girl came around the corner and noticed what was happening. She started to run and then she arrived back with a huge mob of people. They turned to look and see what was happening, Emma cried "Don't hurt her she doesn't know what's happening to her..." little did she know that Kacey was heading towards the mob and suddenly everyoen turned over to look over at her. She bit a girl in the neck and a massive amount of blood came pouring out from her neck. She was a vampire that explained why she couldn't go out in the sun. Next it was Emma's turn, the mob split up and headed towards Ruby the werewolf and Kacey the vampire. Emma didn't know what to do she shouted from the top of her lungs "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" and with that a huge gush of wind flew out of her body and pushed all the mob back away from the girls. And with that they all disappeared without another glance.

So now every full moon it would happen again but each time it was a full moon they called it the Blood Moon for thats what it looked like when it all happened and what it looked like each time it happened to them. So Kacey was a vampire and would lose control, Ruby would turn into a werewolf and never remember what happened and Emma would lose control over her witch powers. It did indeed pass down onto the family except Kacey she would live forever so she just went and turned people so she wouldn't be alone.

Now one day a girl named Scarlett who comes from Emma's blood line caught the curse and she went through the pain alone. She didn't want her children to do the same, she got pregant and had a daughter and named her Merida. She started to grow up and wondered where her mother went every full moon. But then one day Scarlett got ill, too ill and hadn't got long left. She called Merida over to her and told her everything she needed to know about the curse and the story behind it. After that she died..... Merida was left alone to deal with curse and had no one to look after her so she looked after herself for her whole years.

Your probably wondering how I know all this... well the answer to that is simple. It's cause I'm Merida, and this is my story.....

Comment on what you think on the first chapter and thanks for reading.

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