Chapter 7

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I was kind of scared for some old reason. The word Manipulates just stick in my mind. Whatif that what she is gonna do to me? Stop it Merida I kept saying to myself. For all I knew she could be in my imagination but then again something was telling me that it was true. I said that I will forget about it until tonight and see what happens and if I get a visit. On the other hand I'm going to live a normal life, well the normal which I get anyway, let it be fine.

School, great thats when it hits me, maybe I spoke to soon but maybe everything is not going to be as normal as I hoped. I had to face the wrath of Hiccup. Wonder what he's gonna do today. I wander to my classes and when it got English I decided to apologise for pushing him up against the wall. He came and sat next to me again so I thought that this was my chance to say it. "Hey umm Hiccup I just wanted to....." I started to say but he inturrupted me by saying "It's okay I know why you did it and I would do it too. Your probably thinking why I'm being friendly to you, well I can answer that by-" Thats when the bell went for our next lesson. "Sorry I will tell you later," he then ran off. I started to think 'what later'.

It was lunchtime and instead of going to place I usually go I decided to eat in the canteen. I found a table which was empty and went and sat on it by myself. It was nice actually everyone did give me the looks but I just ignored it because for some odd reason I was happy. But I have no clue why. I start to eat and then someone sits in front of me. "I didn't think you ate in the canteen?" I looked up and it was Hiccup, "Oh I don't, just a change you know and it feels quite good," I replied to him. That was strange I didn't even ask him why he was sitting across from me. "Anyway are you gonna tell me why your being friendly to me because we have time?" i asked him. He laughed. He was about to start but then his friends started to come in so he said he better move but he will be back when he came. I noticed though before he left the one of his friends had seen what he was doing and it looked like it was Rapunzel. Thats when I left.

I got home and I though that maybe I could trust Fear. If I could put a little part of myself to actually let someone be kind to me and be my friend then i should at least give it a shot.

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