Chapter 2

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Hiccup, why was he looking at me. Thoughts were swarming through my brain, I couldn't take it all in. Maybe it was my imagination or something. Yeah that's what it was just my imagination. It wouldn't happen tomorrow my life would be back to normal. I went home and practised using my witch powers. I got used to it now. I could control it unlike Zarina who couldn't or Emma. Or even my mother but it was the blood moon I was worried about. I'd never done it before at a full moon. I wasn't at the right age but now I am. I was thinking maybe if I control them now nothing will happen at the full moon.

I went to shop after I was practising and as I was turning the corner I smashed right into someone and we both collapsed on the floor. They dropped everything in their bags. "I'm so sorry, here let me get that," I said to them. I picked up some of their stuff and we both stood up. When I lifted my head to hand the bags back I noticed the person I bumbed straight into was Hiccup. "Oh My Gosh, I'm really sorry I really am, um here you go," I quickly handed the bags back to him. I was waiting to bullied have something mean being said to me but all he said was "That's okay, it's no problem really I should look where I'm going it's me who should be apologising." He smiled at me so I did a weak one back "I should get going sorry again," I cried to him and quickly walked off.

That was awkward but he wasn't even mean to me I thought to myself. I carried on with what I was doing so I could block it out of my head. I started to walk home with my shopping in my hands when across the road was Jack, Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel but no Hiccup. It was strange, I was about to cross the road when suddenly I saw a car coming down the road super fast. I wasn't going to make it to the other side in time. When suddenly I felt a huge force push me to the ground. I looked around to see I missed the car somehow and it just drove past and carried on. I then look to my side and saw Hiccup on the floor beside me. "I think you should watch where your going haha," he cried to me he let out his hand to help me up, I took it and replied "Yeah I guess, Oh thanks by the way," He smiled at me in return so I smiled back. He went over to his friends and I could hear Jack say to him "Why did you help her then why didn't you just leave her?" Hiccup replied back "I wasn't going to let her die you know she is still a human being you need to stop being mean to her all the time," then I walk around the corner back to my home.

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