Chapter 5

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I just couldn't get it out of my head. All this stuff that was happening around me. I thought to myself that all of this was a dream, part of my imagination, just nothing. It was getting late, I kept looking up at the night sky dark twilight. It was nice too look at with the brightening stars looking down on us all. I started to feel a but tired so I headed towards my bed and fell straight to sleep.

I ended up in this dark room again and suddenly I seen that girl again. "I was wondering when you where going to come back, Merida" this was staring to freak me out even more now. "Okay and who are you again...oh wait let me guess it's Fear isn't it. What do you want?" I asked her in a rude tone. Seh came over and smiled at me and did a little laugh. "Well haven't you got a good memory, what I want is for you to be happy, I've watched you for some time now and I think people have been a bit harsh on you!" She started to tell me. "Hahaha a bit, your telling me a bit I've gone through much more than a bit thank you very much!" I screamed at her. Again she laughed and carried on saying "Of course I'm sorry, anyway it's like I said yesterday I want to be your friend. We can do so much together but you have to listen to what I say before you make your decision." This made me stop a little and have a little think. A friend, doing so much together. I looked back up at look into her deep ruby eyes. But she was gone again and I was back in my own home.

This was just getting stranger by the minute, each and every moment. Plus I still couldn't get my head around what was happening. It was the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep so I decided to do some research I know it's weird but I had to figure out what was happening with me. What was happening around me. I just needed to know.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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