Chapter 4

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I acted as if nothing had happend yesterday, bumping into Hiccup twice and having that dreadful dream. I went to school like usual hoping that nothing strange was going to happen just the usual bummping around and nasty comments. The things that I am used to basically.

I enter the school and indeed I do get the usual but it doesn't bother me, yet this was new someone put their foot out in front of my way so I tripped up and fell to the ground. My nose started to come out with blood and all my books we scattered all along the floor. "Aren't you going to curse me you stupid witch!" They said while laughing. I just ignored them as they stared at me. "Leave her alone. What has she ever done to you? Besides haven't you got a class to go to or something." That's when I heard all of them run away and stopped laughing. Then the person got down and started to help me pick up my stuff. "Thanks," I said to them. I looked up and so did they so we were facing face to face. It was Hiccup again. We both got up quickly and I carried on speaking "Look you didn't have to do that it was fine," he did a little chuckle, "It's not a problem really I mean you may be different but that doesn't change the fact that your still human and doing nothing wrong." I looked at him and smiled. It seemed that was all we really do "Thanks again" I say then wander off into the school without looking back.

Just when I didn't want anything weird happening and then it did. In a way its like he is watching me, maybe Jack set him up to it, although that would not explain what they were saying when I almost got run over. Who knows just make sure it doesn't happen again I kept saying to myself. I went into English hoping he wasn't in this class and no I spoke to soon he came in and looked straight in my direction. I quickly looked away acting as if I never seen him but then I heard someone sit straight next to me. I turned my head and seen that it was Hiccup. This was getting a bit strange even the whole class was looking at him suspiciously. Something wasn't right here. I needed to get to the bottom of this because it was starting to freak me out a little. Others too.

I waited until lunchtime to pull him to one side when he is alone. That way it can be a bit private. Then I stopped, what was I doing maybe he was trying to be friendly and besides whats the harm in that I was thinking. I left what I was doing and decided to not do it I was just being over sensitive. Over thinking it. So I went to my classes in the afternoon and did my usual.

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