Chapter 8

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I led my head down on my bed and fell straight to sleep. Now all I had to do was wait for Fear to come and see me. It took time I started to wonder where she was. Maybe she wasn't even coming. Then I seen her appear. "Fear over here!" I called out to her. She turned around and came up to her. "I wondered when you were gonna come back, have you thought about what I have said?" She asked me politely. I nodded my head.

"Okay I was thinking about it and then today it hit me maybe if I could let a little piece of me let a person be kind to me and let them be my friend then maybe I have hope you know," she nodded at me, so I finally said to her, "So yes I would love it if you could be my friend but also help me get through the Blood Moons that I face." She smiled at me and we came to hug each other. "There is one slight problem that I need to face though Merida, it's just that your in the human world and I can only help properly if I am there with you. You see I only appear in your dreams which give me weak power so whatI have to do is feed off of your fears so I can become reality. But thats only on your permission," I was taken aback from what she had just said. Feed off my fears to become reality. What the..... Without even realising it I blurted out saying "Yes you can!"

I woke up with my head banging the last thing I remember was saying yes to Fear so she can feed off my fears. I was thinking did I do the right thing. I hope so because otherwise it would be the biggest mistake of my life. Apart from all that I carried on with my life, so that meant school. It was a Friday thank heaven so that meant the weekend. I went into school parking lot and headed for the entrance when people started tripping me up again and shouting names. I got up and looked at them, I was about to say something back but not rude, then suddenly a huge gush of wind came out of nowhere and flew towards them knocking them down. They then looked up at me as I was looking around with a worried expression on my face. The look on their face was as if they were afraid of me. Well of course they were afraid of me I'm witch. But I didn't make that gush of wind because I would know if I did or not.

I quickly ran into teh school with hesitation because now I'm the one who is scared. I didn't go to any of my classes in the morning I was too scared I couldn't get my head around what had happened. But most of all why? I went to the canteen at lunch and the Hiccup came over to me and asked "What happened out in the parking lot this morning and you wearn't in English?" I looked at him then replied "That wasn't me I don't know what happened it just did okay and thats exactly why I wasn't in any of my lessons this morning because of what happened," I then looke back down at my food. "Then what did that a gush wind when there was none this morning?" I looked at him again "Listen I know what I didn't do okay, that wasn't me I don't use my powers in school," he looked at me with his big green shining eyes. What was I thinking snap out of it. "It's okay I believe you, but the look they gave you it was was like you were their worst fear," I looked straight at him looking deep into those emerald eyes "What did you just say?" he looked at me and said again "They looked at you like you were their worst fear," I pushed my chair our and grabbed my bag. "Sorry I have to go to the library," then I walked out the room. But before I left I could see that Rapunzel was looking straight at Hiccup again.

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